7 Sprouted Grain Sourdough with Bran Levain

Profile picture for user dabrownman

This one is 28% whole sprouted grains consisting of equal parts red and white wheat, rye, spelt, Kamut, oat and einkorn.  It has a 10% pre-fermented bran and high extraction 7 sprouted grain, 100% hydration  levain made with 15 g of NMNF rye starter retarded for 1 week.
The levain was retarded overnight after it doubled.  We did a 1 hour autolyse with the PH sea salt sprinkled on top and enough water that brought the overall hydration to 75%.  The dough flour was half LaFama and half High Gluten from the bins at Smart and Final.
We did 3 sets of slap and folds of 25, 8 and 4 slaps on 1 hour increments and 1 set of stretch and folds to shape the dough right before we plopped it into a rice floured basket.  We slashed it hopscotch style, spritzed it (something we never do) and placed it into a 450 F CI Combo Cooker for 20 minutes of steam and then we baked it 16 minutes lid off at 425 F until it reached 208 F on the inside.
It bloomed sprang and browned well enough but we will have to wait on the crumb till tomorrow morning.
The crumb is soft. moist and open - just what you want from a white SFSD style bread - plus it tastes great too with that extra bit of tang to go with the sour.  We eat a lot of cornbread with corn and Jalapenos.  Yummy!

Why did you sprizt it? Did you notice any difference in oven spring or anything else?

and I remembered that I had cleaned it use as a spritzer so I put some water in it and sprayed the top.  I didn't notice one iota of difference other than it took longer to load it into the combo cooker:-)  This bread is a keeper.

Happy baking Danni


What a beauty. 

Nice open and moist crumb on this one chock full of good stuff.  Reminds me I need to do some sprouting soon.  That corn bread looks amazing too!  Max and Lexi are happy our Met's are off to a 6-1 start and are glad we missed the snow so maybe we can start doing some spring clean-up finally.  Give your apprentice a nice belly rub and if you get a chance shoot that cornbread recipe over :).

I'm mixing up a rye barley wild rice bread....hopefully it will turn out as good as your bake.

Happy Baking!


walk every morning with my wife and I.  My wife goes a mile but we don't count her insane mileage:-) Not bad for a an old doggie like her approaching 14 years old in May.  She is very spry for her near 98 years old and can out wall me any day even if take all of my opioids or even double them:-)

The corn bread is pretty standard.  I use this one from Paula Dean beng an old southern boy  https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/moist-and-easy-cornbread-recipe-1921711 and then I add I half of seeded jalapeno, 1/2 half a seeded hatch green chilis to the mix, spray the pan with Pam amd then add 1/2 can of sweet corn of 8 oz of thawed frozen  sweet corn sprinkled on top.  Canl' ever go wrong with this one and is the perfect bottom for a bowl of chili.

The Diamondbacks were off to a 6-1 start before losing today.  I'm not a fan but my wife is for sure.

You will like the sprouted grains once you start doing it again:-) 

Happy baking Ian

I love einkorn (when done well) but know you don't like it as much as other grains. When you add it in as part of a mix are you doing so because, while you aren't fond of it, you think it imparts some good flavour which can be appreciated as a small percentage? 

Very impressive loaf indeed! 

left and I will toss them into the next bread and not even mention them.  Einkorn is in the 3rd tier of grains where there are only 2 tiers of grain.  Adding a bitter, nasty taste to bread is not good even for German rye breads or those made by robots in Metaverse 2.0.  As 1/7th of 28% whole grain,you hardly even notice it even if you know it is there.  Plus it is stupid expensive, obscene really, and bread should be cheap which is why I don't use much Kamut either even though it is a tier one grain:-)    This year I am going to try and keep each loaf under a dollar total cost,  including the electricity to bake it, well water that smells like rotten eggs, blood clots, dirt, sand, staples, rusty nails, dried leaves and that stuff from the dryer and vacuum cleaner filters.  That pretty much leaves einkorn, the diamond cost standard, out,of the mix ......but the rest sounds tantalizing as a result.

Heck,even dort in the suburbs costs more than Einkorn now a days if you want to build a house on it.  Maybe I should reconsider einkorn in a few decades if I live that long.

Glad you liked the bread Abe and

Happy einkorn baking

taste so bad? I made an Einkorn/AP loaf with no add-ins and it tasted fine (Remember the pizza oven burnt loaf?). Or at least the inside tasted fine since the outside was incinerated. I see you mentioning how much you dislike Einkorn and I just don’t get it. Maybe you got a bad batch?

I just think it is a a bitter grain but in small amounts, up to 25% no problem.  I also don't like spelt, buckwheat or Kamut in huge amounts either.  All 4 are better as 25% or less in bread.  But that is just my taste buds.  Plus Kamut and einkorn are 3-4 times more expensive than the just about any other grain and they aren't 3-4 times better so why make them a big deal.  Better to keep them small but noticeable - sort of like Lucy:-)

My wife's niece is studying the politics of bread in France for 8 weeks at a small town outside of Paris.  Who know the wee beasties were political?  Its bad enough so many people are.....  She is so lucky. She comes back for some of her friends to graduate from college in May and then she is off to Berlin, probably to study the taste of sausage when mixed with beer:-)

Happy baking

I do enjoy a slice of more white sourdough from time to time like the one above even I option for whole grain most of the time. They have different advantages to me and none can replace the other.

Wow, your cornbread are brimming with corns, must be very "corney" that way! Are your cornbread sweet or more of the savory route? I won't dare baking any cake-like food in a glass pan, they never come out completely clean for me even when I have greased it very well.


I think the bread looks quite good.. but who would have thought to put corn in your corn bread?! Oddly funny.. or maybe just odd.. but made me laugh just the same! I'll have to remember to do that when I next make corn bread!  Of course it all looks better than good! Bake happy..

thin and toast it, then grind it into meal.  it makes the very best Matzoh balls for home made instant Pot Matzoh ball soup.  Perfect for the day after Passover since I put baking powder in my Matzoh balls which isn't quite kosher for Passover depending on what kind of Jew is at hand.  



Beautiful bread Dab, the crust looks crisp and tasty and the crumb soft and delicious!  You've inspired me to get back to baking some sprouted grain bread again...