New member - from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

Profile picture for user Rae Weniger

Hello!  SO happy to find and join this group - I am a beginner to the sourdough world, looking for the perfect rye bread recipe.  I fell in love with Rye Bread in the Czech Republic, and because you can't buy anything like it in Canada, or at least here in Northern Alberta, I have taken up the challenge of making my own!  I was looking for a way to use sourdough starter instead of tossing it as recommended, and Mr. Google gave me the 123 Sourdough link!  hurrah!  

Be sure to check out Elagins’ posts as he is the author of The Rye Baker! Yep, we even have famous authors here!

Looking forward to your posts! Waving at you from Northwestern Ontario!

Profile picture for user gwschenk

Nice to have you here. You might go to the library and see if they have a copy of Jeffrey Hammelman's Bread. It has many recipes for rye bread. I've baked his German Farmer's Bread a couple of times and it's delicious.

Hi Rae! You're going to like it here, I promise. Best bunch of folks on the web, and soooooo many great tips and recipes that you can spend a lot of time here. :)

As Danni said, check out not only elagins (Stan Ginsberg) posts but also his web site (The Rye Baker). You'll find all kinds of very authentic Eastern European and other rye bread recipes there. Mini Oven has some great tips and recipes for rye bread on this site too (this one, not the Rye Baker).

Keep us posted on your progress! Best wishes from the West Coast (Victoria).


Hello from Southern Oregon! Just now found this website, and am thrilled to be able to join you all. ?I live around 2,000 feet up on a little hill and am wondering how this will impact my bread baking. One problem I've been having is with my brioche which has been splitting during the baking cycle. I've tried different rising times and nothing seems to be changing.  The recipe I use calls for 8 eggs, 7 cups of flour, salt, unsalted butter, honey and 1 1/2 cups water. I let it sit out for several hours then refrigerate it overnight.  I make beautiful braids, put on egg wash and sesame seeds.  It's disheartening to put in the time and end up with a split open loaf. Can anybody offer me some advice? 

Thank you!