Hi there!


Hello everyone. My name is Chris and I hail from New Hampshire. I love baking breads though rarely have had time to do it over the last several years. I've done a lot in the past though--even working as a baker for a time in college. I LOVED it! Looking to sharpen that skill back up as I was recently asked if I'd be willing to work for someone as a baker and I have to say it's a very tempting thought (I'm currently employed as a software engineer). Stumbled across this site in my search for resources and spent a lot of my afternoon poking around here.

This is a great place to get inspired and learn bread baking.

Look forward to seeing some of your bakes soon.



Thank you Ian!

So I had made one of my favorite loaves Sunday (KAF's 100% whole wheat recipe that uses white ww flour) but I had my wife pull the loaf from the oven because I was occupied. I took me all of 10 minutes to grab my camera and head to the kitchen...and in that time most of the loaf was gone (my wife and 3 teenagers all love that particular bread too!).

I'll guard it more carefully next time :).

Profile picture for user Lazy Loafer

Believe me, you can spend a lot of afternoons (and evenings) poking around on this site. You'll end up with a lot of bookmarks, and far too many things that you want to try! Lovely people; very knowledgeable and helpful.

You'll also find, as you get to know us, that a lot of us 'retired' from other high-pressure professions (management consulting, in my case) to baking bread, and are feeling much better now. :)

Keep posting and sharing!

I hear you on the high-pressure professions. I often look back to the days in college and wonder why I didn't continue as a baker.


Looking forward to getting to know you!