Hi there
My family and I are in the process of starting a naturally leavened stone milled flour bakery on the east coast. We have received some quotes for new deck ovens from distributors of POLIN & BONGARD and wanting to go used, but are weary about this and want to know which are the best gas steam deck ovens.....PLEASE HELP!!!
This is a quite well established company in UK and might be useful for your research although your appear to be in US. They appear to provide Polin & Bongard.
I also know that some local artisan bakeries in UK use the Welker deck ovens from Germany. I heard via a friend in SF that Tartine are also using Welker deck ovens but I cannot confirm 100%.
Sorry as might not help at all.... Kat
Thank you very much I will look into these, if it helps I am specifically looking for research or a forum concerning the difference between some of these, which is better, why.... a comparative analysis between the different deck ovens.
Gas vs electric
Polin vs bongard vs welker vs bakers pride etc.
If you haven't already...join the BBGA and ask on their forum
While you’re at it, check out Sveba Dahlin deck ovens from Sweden. Gemini in PA is a US distributor. Ovens are electric which allows quick cooling/heating at different temps, steam injected on stone floors. I loved mine!
I'm looking at the Polin stratos, Empire Baking System, and Picard—all 2-deck, single phase electric. Thoughts?