I'm looking for suggestions on recipes for good sandwich loaves. I have loaf pans as well as batard proofing baskets. I like the boule baskets for bread but it makes an awkward sandwich slice.
I'm looking for a great recipe that (preferably) doesn't have butter or sweetener. I looked at King Arthur Flour's classic white which looks great but has both honey and butter. Surely there is a solid recipe that doesn't have those but still takes great.
Well, if you have a bread recipe you like, then just bake it in a loaf pan instead of free-form. Probably lower the temperature just a little bit (say, bake at 425F instead of 450F). I have made the Harvest Bread from FWSY in a pan before; turns out nice.
If you are looking for a softer sandwich bread though, they usually have some kind of fat and some kind of sweetener in them. Try coconut oil or olive oil if you don't want butter.
I'm definitely going to follow your advice and try a FWSY tomorrow. In the mean time, I used this King Arthur recipe (https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/king-arthurs-classic-white-sandwich-bread-recipe) with half the sugar, no butter, and in a 8"x4" pan instead. It is currently baking but did not get nearly the oven spring as the picture in the link does (which is what I was hoping for). I proofed it until it was 1.5" above the pan but I'm not sure it gained any height in the bake.
Suggests on how to get a nice, tall sandwich loaf similar to the picture in the link?
How exactly do you "heap" honey? LOL
I actually get what this meant - the surface tension of the honey can hold it in a level above the rim of the measuring spoon. But the word "heap" made me chuckle.
Just leave out the ingredients you don't want.
... a while back. I have not tried it, but worth considering as it seems to meet your requirements:
Hey, Doc, have a look at my post under Susan's Simple Sourdough heading. 'Something Else to Try',,,, I just made two sandwich loaves that everyone here, old and young, are very happy with. I give the whole recipe process. Give it a try, and let me know what you think!
There is no sweetener, and I did use butter to grease the loaf pans, but olive oil or vegetable oil would work just fine.
Great suggestion! Your loaves look awesome. I think I'm going to give those a try and see how they come out.
I think you'll be pleased, and it's an easy recipe. Happy baking!
I've baked the Italian bread recipe from [i]The Bread Baker's Apprentice[/i] in loaf pans and it has come out great. No sugar, just adds olive oil to a basic french bread.