photos do not download

Profile picture for user Bred Maverick

 any suggestions to get my photos to download on this website? Im using an iPad, new version.  I don't have any issues with other websites. TIA

I use iPad also. The image upload is very buggy. This is how I do it and it works consistently for me IF I do the following. 

Put you cursor where you want the image in your message. 

Click the add image button on the message tool bar.

Then REMOVE THE KEYBOARD from the screen and THEN click the source button (I have to click it twice for some reason).

Click upload choose the file and the click the button upload button. 

After that choose insert file.

You will have the option to choose the file size. I insert 600 in the width box for my largest images. The height will auto constrain to keep the original aspect.

NOW that the image is inserted you will NEED TO SAVE the post and reopen if you want to add another image.

If anything is not taking your input, close the keyboard and try again.

Did I say this was buggy?   {:-D 

I’ll let Floyd know. 


Bala, did it work like I explained it? If anything didn’t behave the same, please let us know. I sent Floyd a PM telling him about the issue.
