Response to Flat Jim Lahey Bread

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So, I cannot find the thread now or I would post this within the thread, but I remember it was recent. Someone was having trouble with Jim Lahey's recipe as it was producing a flat loaf.

In fact, the good folks at Cooks Illustrated have stated that the Lahey recipe is quite inconsistent (not for Jim but for the home baker). They have done a few things to the recipe to make it more consistent for non-professionals.

Here is a snapshot of their loaf vs. a Lahey loaf, which as you can see, is quite flat.

So, if their Lahey loaves are flat...yours might be too and it doesn't necessarily mean you're doing something wrong.

Below...Lahey on right. Their version on the left, which they call "almost no-knead bread" is taller. (No that's not a real video don't try to click on it.)

countless Lahey loaves, I have to say that I never got one that looked as flat as the one on the right, in fact I would be disappointed if I got one that was as low as the one on the left, mine always have rather impressive (for me) rise, so I don't know what the folks at America's Test Kitchen are talking about.

countless Lahey loaves, I have to say that I never got one that looked as flat as the one on the right, in fact I would be disappointed if I got one that was as low as the one on the left, mine always have rather impressive (for me) rise, so I don't know what the folks at America's Test Kitchen are talking about.