I think it’s quite fun that my bread rolls are yeast shaped, but I’d prefer them to be round- what am I doing wrong?
I often get this problem with different recipes. The oven had a pot of water in the bottom to generate some steam & was on a very high heat. I’m assuming it’s a proofing problem?
cut the dough with a razor blade or sharp serrated knife just before putting in oven. That creates a weak area so the dough can rise and burst in a more aesthetically pleasing way.
Thanks- I scored the loaves but not the rolls.
That there is insufficient steam, so the crust sets before the loaf finished rising and it bursts through the weakest area. Either more steam or slashing could help you out.
Thank you, I’ll keep trying & add more water from a spray as they go into the oven. They were dry on the top after proofing
Dry is not good, it forms a skin and then weird crusts happen. They are still edible, the just look funny, can be dense and amuse us with entertaining photos. I increased my hydration over the years (and now make my loaves at 80% hydration) so I don't have that problem any more (I also always keep my dough well covered because the humidity here is extremely low, typically between 8% and 30%, so I now don't have dry doughs any more).
Those are a bit scary-looking. I'd back away slowly.
They maybe scary looking but they taste great
another option is to glaze them before going in oven which will insure they dont crust too soon - a simple flour/cornstarch/water glaze or some olive oil....
You've got great oven spring. Simply retard the spring. Proof them longer.
Edit: Also, you can reduce the oven heat to reduce oven spring.