Really good buns?
Really good buns?
Well done!
I love a good bun and those are beautiful ! Well done. oh...except I like my burger med rare ! c
A medium rare hamburger is dangerous unless you know what you’re doing.
Store bought hamburger I cook until the meat is 160°F. That will burn off any bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
I only cook medium rare burgers when I grind my own meat. That way I know my machinery is clean and sterile. I blanch a choice or prime grade Chuck roast to clean off any surface bacteria. Then I grind the meat, season it with spices, shape them into 1/2 pound patties and then vacuum pack them in SV bag, 2 per bag. Then I cook them in my Sous Vide hot tub at 130° for a couple of hours. Then I sear them in a cast iron skillet to get a nice crust on them. They will came out medium rare, 135°F, pink... bumper to bumper.?
my son is a butcher and chef so I know exactly where the beef, raised just up the road from here, has been and how it was processed. We only buy our beef from him. Thank you for the tips and concern! One can’t be too careful. c
would be the cats meow! These buns would be perfect for them. I'm relegated to In and Out burgers and they are pretty good. I can barely afford choice but do grind it up for burgers at home now and again. We will have to try the sous vide function with the new instant pot. Well done and happy baking