whew....I think that says it all ! Date yeast water has been stored in fridge. Still going strong and I had added water to the used dates to see how it would hold up. So far so good. Levain loves Kamut . It filled the jar in a matter of a couple hours so I stored in fridge. Using up many flours from Breadtopia in an effort to move forward with grinding my own grains. These three loaves are the proportions that I used for the buns except I used more grains in the mix to = 532g. I used my Middle Eastern date syrup instead of maple syrup. Final dough is Hard white Spring WW, fresh milled rye, Turkey Hard Red Winter wheat.
Process. I am still experimenting with almost no hands on. Works really well. I mixed to shaggy stage only making sure ALL was wet. Used a large silicone spatula. NO SALT. Everything else in the bowl. Let it rest on radiator for 4 hrs. Sprinkled on Salt and wet it with spray bottle. Did 30 turns in the bowl with spatula. Covered and left 30 min. one set s & f. left 30 min and did one more set. Then a wrinkle ....I forgot the dough !! yikes ! Didn't set the clock...went about my business for a couple hours....oh wow !! dough loved every minute on its own...appears I have created a very independent bread formula ! Turned it out and cut three chunks for boules. New shaping technique employed that last few loaves with great results....look at those ears ! All I do is lightly dust both sides of dough. Then I pull four corners to the center and pinch them together as much as possible. Flip it over with this side down so will be free-form on top when turned out. No pre-shape ,no dough scraper, no gluten sheath tightening....nothing. Takes a few seconds. Doesn't degas the dough at all.
Baking. Utilizing my granite ware roasters. 500 degree preheat in oven...takes about 15 min with my electric oven. have loaves on parchment , lower in to hot roaster put in one ice cube. Cover bake at 500 for 10 min lower to 475 10 min. Remove cover...go WOW ! finish for 20 min at 475. Internal temp 211.
Crumb shot when thoroughly cooled
date YW
kamut levain
date syrup/levain/yogurt
flour mix
dough without salt ....rising nicely and developing structure
with salt sprayed with water
after 2nd set of s&f !
after first set of s&f
filled the banneton over night in the fridge
nice cracks soon to be ears !
yep....looking good
love my OVE gloves and my roasters
gorgeous even fine crumb with very crisp crust. flavor is remarkable and only a tiny hint of sour very tender chew
As I said the formula is the same as the buns I posted. 100g of active date YW added to 600g water and 400g active kamut levain ( it was a rye levain in the buns)
My feeling is that the levain works slower and the YW works faster but the YW needs warmth and the levain not as much . Seems to complement each other throughout the retarding of the dough as well as the bake. Will post pics of crumb when I get them.
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That is an absolutely gorgeous loaf! I love your no knead method!
I keep doing less and less hands on and the loaves get better and better ! Of course if one is looking for a wide open french bread/ciabatta type crumb then this isn't that . But that isn't what I am after. You will love this bread. I can't thank YOU enough for the proportions in the formula...they are ALL yours from a loaf back when you first used yogurt. And the yogurt...what a difference it makes in the crumb. I think it also really plays a part in the acidification of the SD which is evidently a good thing. Who knows...I am no scientist and I don't really care as long as the final product is reproducible as this one seems to be. Thank you Danni ! c
I had no idea that you based this from one of my experiments. It really warms my heart when things work out for people.
I gave you credit in the write up on the buns :) And these proportions are the same. I doubled everything. If you look back you did 33 g yogurt in your loaves...would have to look back and see which one. Anyway always appreciate new ideas. c
Look at those natural splits on the crust! Gorgeous and I am with you on the low effort dough handling. I have never baked using YW, and I should try it some time this year. It looks interesting and might bring up other flavors.
it does a number of different things to the dough. It improves the texture of the dough and keeping qualities. It also makes it way less sour so that is either something you would or wouldn't want. It makes the dough rise faster again something you want or don't want. It can be controlled by how much YW you use and by temp. So definitely make some YW and give it a whirl.
The splits are do to VERY minimal shaping. I never preshape. I dust the dough lightly on both sides with flour. I then bring the four corners together roughly and pinch the seams . I turn it over and round the dough and that is all. Seam side down in basket.
Good Luck and as always I look forward to your posts. c
I must remember to try to do a loaf seamside up at bake time - you got such great splits in the dough, just as Danni does too.
is definitely the way to go to get for a rustic loaf. I dust both sides of the dough very lightly with flour. I pat it out into a rough square and bring the 4 corners together and pinch the seams. I turn it over and round the boule. The light dusting prevents the seams from holding very well. Thus the bursts. I never know what I will get. I have begun adding two small ice cubes to the roaster with the loaves. Not much but sure makes a difference in that first 10 min of the bake.
Good luck and looking forward to your next bake. c
4 hours on the counter after spoon mixing to shaggy. I'm doing 3 sets of S & F's on 1 hour intervals where each set is 4 stretches from the compass points and then into the baskets and then into the fridge overnight. 'm calling this the No Touch Trail Runner Method. We will find out if YW or SD like the No Touch the best!
Your bread came out very nice. I don't know how much whole grains ou j=have in there but the crust and crumb are very nice so I thought I would give it a go since i ll into lazy when ever possible:-)
Well done and happy baking Trail.
You are putting me on the spot I see !! I can hardly wait to see the results. Did you see pul's latest ? He didn't do any s&f nothing. Mixed it ALL salt everything . Crazy and I can hardly wait to try. As far as whole grains and white....it is 532 g of whole grains and 733g unbleached KA and the 400g of levain was whole grain kamut. So a lot of whole grains.
So you did a YW and a separate loaf of SD ? I do double levains one of each in the same loaf as I like the way they complement each other. Let me know how it goes....Good Luck ! c
You've been making up with lost baking time I see! Another great looking bake. The crumb looks nice and open and soft.
Looks like it's time for me to make a new YW to join the party!
definitely make a new one and try the dried dates! It really fizzes.
Looking forward to your next posting thank you. c