Levain + active malt

Profile picture for user Abelbreadgallery

Back home. It's time for more homebaking.

I only had AP flour at home, and some stoneground flour. Wanted to make a sourdough loaf. I was not sure if my AP flour would be able to make a long proof. I decided to use some active malt powder.

1000 gr flours (925 gr mexican AP flour + 75 stoneground whole wheat flour) + 670 ml warm water. Mix and make a 30 min autolyse.

Then add 200 gr of young levain + 8 gr active malt powder + 23 salt + 45 ml of cool water at the end of the mixing process (basinage). Temperature of the dough, 25ºC. Bulk fermentation around 2 hours with 1 s&f. Then divide, preshape, shape and leave proofins in the fridge overnight (6ºC). Next day decorate with tennis racket stencil, and bake to hot oven (240ºC).

See you.

Abel. Mexico.

Is this the same as diastatic malt, or something different?  If so, is this available at a brew-making supply store?  TIA,  and you've shared another beautiful bake, Abel.  Can imagine the taste and fragrance.