This is a further experiment with the rye banana SD I posted a week or so ago. I wanted to see what would happen if I got more and quicker rise out of it and less sticky to work with . I used my AYW and made two levains. I also roasted the bananas as I had read that if they are cooked instead of raw they seem to not inhibit the action of the SD yeasts. I doubled the formula and made 3 approx 700 g boules this time. I also used my really big granite roaster circa 1940. Wow...is all I can say. Two boules fit perfectly. No time at all in the oven to get to 500 degrees. I did two first and then remembered someone on here posted they threw in some icecubes into their roaster. I did it for number 3 and look at the ears !! Will do that from now on as well. Cast iron shall continue to reside in the basement....granite roaster is the way to go , at least for me.
500 g mixed levain= 400g of 50% unbleached KA and 50% fresh milled rye at 100% hydration with banana yeast water ( made it from my AYW by adding fresh sliced bananas and waited a couple hours for lots of bubbles to appear then fed over a couple hours 2 x to get the 400g. Started with 10 g NMNF )
100g AYW levain fed only KA
440 g AP KA flour
90g freshly milled rye
110 g spring hard wheat flour
500g roasted bananas ( roast in peels at 300 degrees till black. let cool and squeeze out pulp and water )
70g date syrup
70g yogurt
18g salt
mix everything but salt. I place salt on top of resting dough and spray well with water. Let rest for an hour or so till puffy. Do 30 turns in the bowl a few times every 30 min. incorporating salt and watching for texture of dough to become pliable. Remove from bowl and begin gentle stretch and folds a few times. Add in the chopped dates and pecans. I don't weigh these I go by how it looks and feels. Place dough in oiled container and let rest in warm place till about 50 % . Yeast water moves fast so don't leave it too long. shape as desired and cover and retard in fridge. I took these out of cold about 30 min before baking to get the YW started again. As dab noted YW loves warmth. Preheat granite ware pot to 500. Place loaves inside and throw in a few ice cubes. Cover and bake 500 for 10 min reduce to 475 for 10 min. Remove cover and cont to bake 475 for 20 min -----if making larger loaves adjust final uncovered time till 205 or so degrees. Amazing bread. Crumb pics added. This bread was impossible to resist. Still a little warm but we had it with " breakfast for dinner" . Those are strawberries with my homemade Meyer Lemon curd....oh yum !! The bread has a delicious tender crumb. Banana flavor really comes through. Not as heavy as the other loaf as there is less rye. Could have put even more dates...can't have too many dates LOL ! Will not forget the ice cubes ever again. Will cut that loaf on Sunday at our pot luck at our Buddhist center and will see if there is any difference. Definitely a keeper loaf. I will be subbing other fruit for the banana and see what I get. Stay tuned.
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Those loaves are gorgeous! And your granitewear roaster is huge!!! Mine is no where near that big. How awesome is it that you can fit two boules in there! Looking forward to the crumb shot!
its own tube! Amazing really. if anything can open this up it is yeast water but 'm not going to hold Lucy under water waiting for it to open up either:-) I thought for a minute there I saw grits next to that omelette? Now I have to make some with colossal shrimp tomorrow for breakfast! We need a reason for what we do around here or it sort if gets lost in the purple haze. Very nice banana bread indeed!
Well done and happy noshing at the temple.
grits! I grew up in New Orleans and learned all about grits then. Before that it was cream of wheat ? in Ohio. I actually like them all.
yep no extra water at all in this bread. I’m not really looking for big holes in my breads. Pretty crumb and crust with great flavor is my goal. This bread is a win! Won’t be making it for awhile since I have so much now. Need more buns... grandson cleaned me out! Happy baking dab and thank you!
Hi Trailrunner!
I had a couple questions about your bake:
I'm visualizing that you laid two boules side-by-side in the roaster on the first round, but how did you put ice cubes in the roaster on the second round? Were they just swirling around on the bottom next to the dough, or did you raise the dough up on something?
So, was that bananas, yeast water, and NMNF?
I used two separate YW based levains. With one I always keep some unbleached white flour and AYW in a small container. It never seems to lose its steam so rarely do anything to keep it going. When I want to grow more of it I simply take out a spoonful and add white flour and AYW to it at 100% hydration and let it bubble up which takes sometimes less than an hour !! So I used 100g of that mixture. The other one I took a couple oz ( 4 maybe) of my AYW and placed it in a container and added about 4 slices bananas and set it in a sunny window. It bubbled up nicely. I took out the banana slices ( should have said that) and used the resulting BYW to make 400g of mixed white and rye levain with 10 g NMNF rye levain . I fed it reg filtered water and 50% rye 50% white flour so 200g fluid and 200g flour. I didn't measure how much BYW I had to start but it was probably 100g-120g. It doesn't take much as it is very active when fed and warmed.
The roaster is really big. It has a lift out liner pan in it. You can see pics of them online. I lowered my first two boules in using parchment paper they had room to spare. Put on the lid with vents closed and baked 500 degrees 10 min + 475 degrees 10 min then 475 for 20 min lid off. The second bake I put the roaster back in the oven at 500 for the few minutes it took to get the 3rd loaf out on parchment. I took out the hot roaster lowered the loaf in on parchment and remembered ice cubes !! I grabbed about 4 slices ( my machine doesn't make cubes) and tossed them into the pan . They went in with a big hiss and slammed on the lid. We aren't talking enough water to make a wet mess , not at 500 degrees and 4 slices of cubes. I am sure they were steam in seconds. But BOY the difference in the loaf! Never again will I forget a handful of cubes. It was great the crust is gorgeous . Will know if crumb any different when I cut it and I will post back to let you know. Please post your bake too ! Thanks c
This looks awesome!
I bet by roasting the bananas they added an even sweeter flavor to the final bread. I'm not sure if I missed it, but what are you doing if anything to the dates before adding them in? I have made a date bread several times in the past and boiled them and made a slurry out of them before adding after cutting them up. Another thing unrelated to baking....how do you add the emoji's to your responses?
I use my phone and they are on the keyboard. I am sure there is a way using laptop or other device but I have no way of knowing. Floyd just added this feature a couple weeks ago to allow emojis.
As to dates , I like pieces so I slice each date across into 3 pieces . I don’t soak etc at all. When I get ready to add them in I do it during last set of stretch and folds a I lay them and the nuts on the patted out dough and mist them lightly with a spray bottle of water then letter fold. Keep doing till I get them all layered in. I figure especially with really wet doughs they help take up some hydration. So far works really well. I like getting a big bite of chewy date!
Hope you had a great trip!
Thanks. I just noticed I could insert them now. I remember in the past I would get an error. I love the sweet flavor from adding dates and need to bake another one soon.