Milk bread no. 2 Floyd’s recipe by GrowingStella

Profile picture for user macette

I am delighted with this recipe what a difference to my first much easier to work with will use again and again. Can’t wait to see inside and taste...

Macette they look perfect to me. GrowingStella can’t be beat for Milk Bread as far as I know.

IF you enjoy a sweet bread, I’m pretty confident you’ll love del’s Hawaiian Sweet Bread. If you choose to try, let me know how it comes out. IMO, you can’t beat the Hawaiian Sweet Bread For hamburger buns.

I can make the spreadsheet and instructions available if anyone is interested.


I am delighted...was looking at your Hawaiian sweet bread but have no potato flakes...:-( there a substitute.

Hi Macette. You should be able to just use a bit of cooked (ideally dry roasted) squished up potato instead. Might need to reduce the water just a touch.

Your recipe cut in half by GrowingStella helped me a lot working in grams on the other side of the  I am in love with this bread....thank you.

Milk Bread with potato flakes today in an Oriental Pullman.  Mine was not nearly as pretty yours though.  It exploded out the end but Lucy and I got free flat bread to munch on while it finished up baking:-)  Yours looks grand and the bins have to be nearly as good as Hawaiian Buns.  Well done and Happy baking