Tartine Blue Corn Polenta Bread

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The dough is the Tartine Basic Country Bread. The formula of the polenta bread can be found in Tartine Bread (page 93). I added pumpkin seeds, corn oil, fresh rosemary and blue corn polenta instead of the usual variety. It follows a similar approach as the porridge breads in Tartine Book #3 by using a polenta soaker. The soaker was too wet. Nothing that can't be fixed by dehydrating it in the oven until it becomes more like a paste. Another change I made to the Tartine method was an overnight cold retard in the fridge during bulk rise. The result is quite stunning. The beauty of the bread surprises me: the painterly brush strokes flowing through the crumb, contrasting nicely with the shatteringly light crust.


I have never seen blue polenta meal! Did you find this locally or did you have to order it? I make the regular Tartine bread all the time, but have never made the polenta one (however we eat polenta quite often and love it). I will definitely give this a try. Thanks for the inspiration!

I found this medium-grind blue cornmeal in the local supermarket. I can't remember which one it was. I saw it randomly and grabbed a bag. Stored in the freezer until now. All by happenstance, including this bread.

the bar constantly. I have to work harder at it. Sometime I'm happy that I haven't screwed up over the multi-day build, mix, ferment and bake. Try indigo, that's my favorite color. 


What a delight! Surprising color, and surely a taste treat. Thank you so much for sharing. Gotta try this!


To get those streaks like that, I am guessing you didn’t try to spread out the polenta evenly throughout the dough. Am I right?

intention other than the usual mixing and folding. The streaky appearance may be due to the texture of the polenta which resists mixing. It could be the result of the foldings when I shaped the dough, not unlike that of a cinnamon roll. It may also be the result of the color contrast what makes for a more showy appearance. I was surprised how it all turned out.