how often can a person make and eat pizza before they get tired of it ? Apparently a LOT !! I wanted to see how this dough would do after X days in a plastic bag in the fridge. The answer is wonderfully. Very much improved flavor profile and great holes !! I used some of my chef son's sweet Italian sausage and it really added to the flavor. Same mode of operation as far as the rest of it. Layered sliced provolone on the bottom crust after it had risen for a while on the stove top. I made sure a put plenty of EVOO in the skillet before I laid the dough in. I stretched it a bit and then went away. When I came back it was nicely puffy. I dimpled and pulled it a bit and then Layered sliced provolone on the bottom crust . Topped with sauteed red onions and red pepper and then the sausage. Next was crumbled feta and then torn fresh mozzerella. Into a preheated 500 oven for 20 min. Took it out and drizzled the seasoned tomato sauce and then grated parm. In the oven again for 10 min or so still 500.
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Having slung many pizzas (used work in a pizzeria) you eventually get around to trying everything under the sun, every topping, every shape, every size from cookie sized pizzas to ginormous freak pizzas but one thing I definitely remember are the aged dough pizzas. Sometimes via planning and sometimes via opportunistic use of leftover dough but in just about ever case they were the best and often times a surprise depending on how long / old they were. It seems like sometimes a bit of sourdough activity would start coming through as well despite the crust being yeasted the additional fermentation seem to trigger some hints of wild yeast action. Sometimes wed make them from old pies that had been sitting in the walk in cooler and other times from ones left to sit at room temp and the room temperature ones were always the best. So yeah - old dough pizzas are Delish !
I make a yeast dough for the crust but use a tsp of active dry yeast and only one cup of water to the 3 1/2 c flour.....2 1/2 c unbleached and 1 c semolina. 1 tsp salt, a tbsp of sugar and a drop of honey. I then add enough of my AYW levain, made with unbleached flour and kept at a very wet not measured consistency, to get a really really wet dough. I mix it with a wooden spoon and let it sit for about an hour till nice and puffy. Do a few turns in the bowl and set aside...repeat till silky dough. My formula is completely made up and is guess and by golly ! It makes 2# of dough. I divide in half and place 1/2 in the heavily oiled 12 " iron skillet to let it rise and this last time put the other half in an oiled plastic bag. Will leave it 6 days next time.
I admire your breads !! Thank you for looking. c
Just an interesting thing you could try during that rise. These leftovers we had would often be stacked in pizza pans 5-10 or so high and the ones we sought out were any but the top one which after several days was dry and crusty - the ones underneath would have risen in a sealed environment and were very puffy and sourdough like in aroma. Just saying of you form the crust and let it rise for a long time it will already be shaped and ready to sauce up - no need to reshape and this way you have a really great structure in the crust ;)
using iron skillet to rise but can use two smaller ones and place in second fridge. Thank you! Will post back with results.
Thanks, I like that idea.
Hey, Trailrunner, what is AYW?
apple yeast water. You can do a search on TFL as well as Google and find a lot of info about yeast water. Essentially it is fresh fruit, apples being the very easiest, cut up an organic apple and place it in a sterile quart jar and add water to cover and. Seal loosely and place somewhere that it will stay at about 75-80. Stir it a couple times a day and leave lid loose. It will foam and bubble in a few days and the fruit will float. You can then check it in about a week for its ability to get bread to rise. You add = amount yeast water and flour and put in a covered container in a warm place, yeast water needs much warmer temps throughout the whole process of baking SD and if the levain doubles in about 5-6 hrs it is ready to rise bread. You can then sub it for all of your levain in any SD formula. You can also use your regular levain and just sub some yeast water for the regular water in the formula. It is wonderful stuff and gives amazing freshness to the bread...keeping quality. It also takes a lot of the " sour" away when making SD. There are tons of folks using it in various ways. I use some in every bake now. Experiment and you will love it. You keep it in the fridge after it is going strong. Feed it all new fruit whenever the old sinks to the bottom. Add water when you use some out. You can really mess it up. Mine is about 6 yrs old now. It will develop a thick layer of yeast on the bottom of the jar. That is OK. You can take a small amount of the apple yeast water and feed it a new fruit also. Anything almost that you want but NOT pineapple !! You can also feed it vegetables and fruit peels and herbs and lots more . There is a private facebook page you can join by asking , Fermentation and yeast water breads is all they do !!
I’ve been fermenting vegetables (carrots, beets, turnips) lately but have never heard of apple yeast water. Thinking I already have too many things to feed - plants, cats, dog, chickens, wild turkeys, sourdough starter?
BUT, I’ll have to investigate. My sourdough isn’t very sour, but I’d appreciate the freshness/keeping quality.
Thank you for the information! I appreciate that you share your knowledge so freely...hope this doesn’t turn into the need for another 12-step program for me?
I read somewhere that 5-7 day old pizza dough is the best in terms of taste, texture and appearance. This looks and has to taste great especially with all the toppings.
tastes wonderful. Next time I am going to use even less regular yeast and continue experimenting. Will try smaller skillet and less dough...I have a lot of old iron skillets so can make about any size. I see more pizza in my future. Thank you pal ! c
I'll take it off your hands. Actually an old dough pizza sounds wonderful. Must be very flavoursome.
I am sure we will have to take a break for a bit...even husband is a little weary of pizza ....I sure wish I had thought of placing the refrigerated dough in a pan before I set it in the fridge as kendalm suggested...dang it would have been really full of great holes !! I had to degas to get it out of the bag and then only gave it an hour or so to come back. Live and learn. This is why I love TFL.
Send me your address...maybe I can ship you some pizza :) c
We like thin crust but I do like a Chicago deep pan style every once in a while - Especially Uno's. Will keep this in mind for the next craving deep dish craving.
Well done and happy baking Trail C.
i make essentially Lahey dough but use my AYW levain for about 1/2c liquid. Mystery crust is what it is! Kendalm suggested patting out dough into pans and then cover and retard several days . Take out and get to room temp top and bake. That is my next plan. We ate the last 1/2 reheated tonight... oh wow... incredible crust and melty cheese. Love a deep crust.
Look forward to your pics! c
back of the fridge. I have a fig and one apple that have been in there for many, many months and forgotten. Getting them out right now before I forget.
just wait till you see what it does when you add banana slices ! Whoa....amazing bubbles. You will love the flavor !
Put apples and lack in one and apples in the other. Making Sunday gravy for Saturday in the Instant Pot but how far can YW Deep Dish pizza be away - maybe Sunday?