I've been baking for some years now, and I'm very happy with my simple white bread, which I bake in a loaf tin.
I bake for 35 minutes at 180 degree, with steam created by pouring water into a preheated roasting tin. The crust on the top of the loaf is always fabulous, but I find the sides and bottom of the loaf are very pale, and have no real crust to speak of. In fact, by the time I take the loaf out of the tin, the sides are a bit damp.
How can I get a better crust on the sides and bottom. Does my loaf tin have anything to do with it? I'm using pretty lightweight models.
Thanks for the advice,
After you take the loaf out of the tin return it to the oven freestanding for a nice all over crust.
180°C is a tad low. It'd turn the heat up to 210°C.
OK, so the idea would be that I will take it out of the oven and turn the oven off. Then, in perhaps 30 minutes remove from pan and return to the warm oven for some time?
Or you're using a pan liner then you can take the bread out straight away and return to the hot oven, which has been kept on, to finish off baking.
.... from the tin before the end of the bake and return the untinned loaves upside down to the oven for the final 10 minutes or so of the bake.