Dear bakers,
I love making many combinations of multigrain breads using mixes of seeds and grains . I want super seed/grain breads and i am wondering :1) If other bakers have found a "sweet-spot" for the maximum soaker as a % or the total dough. 2) if bread with soakers is better to use higher ( > 70 %) or lower ( <65%) dough hydrations. And 3) if there are any real reasons why certain seeds should or should not be combined in any particular way. Right now i am operating under the "no rules, no limits" doctrine :) . Your thoughts?
Hi Kevin
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Happy baking!
I posted this a while ago - but only got one reply. I am still hoping for some additional thoughts ??
I'll throw in as I'm playing around with multigrain recipes... these are, of course, just my preferences.
Q1: I have done breads anywhere from 10% soaker and up to 40%, and I like somewhere in the middle, and have settled on about 20-25%. I like my bread, well, bready, even with multi grains in there. It's probably why I haven't tried to make really seedy bread. I know that one solution for a really high amount of grain is grinding them up the food processor so they're less chunky (haven't tried this one yet), but I kinda like the chunky part of multigrain bread, so for now I'm happy with the soaker/grains at about 20-25% of the total dough weight.
Q2: well because there is a higher percentage of whole grains, even with breads made with white flour, I would think lower hydrations would yield pretty dry loaves. I've never made one below 70% hydration, and most are closer to 75% (last night I made one at 79%). to me, whole grain dough at 75%, once the gluten develops, feels a lot like white dough at <70%, probably because the whole grains absorb more moisture. so IMO 70% is probably the minimum unless you use a lower amount of whole grains.
Q3: to my knowledge, allergy issues aside, there is no limit on mixing grains/cereals for your doughy pleasure. I've seen breads with 30 grains (why? no idea, but there it is). I think you can just have at it.
Just my 2c. :)
Thanks Law_and_loaf for sharing your experience with soaker ratios.
Now i am experimenting with using 8 grain cereal, but not soaking or cooking it - but using in dry as part of my flour weight. My overall hydrations are 79-85%.