Yes, I can see in the server logs your ISP is refusing to accept emails from my new IP because it is on their spam blacklist. I just submitted a request to remove this IP from the blacklist now that it has been reallocated. We'll see how quickly they respond.
I have successfully been receiving the message through Gmail, for what it's worth.
Let me make sure I didn't accidentally block them on my end. I distinctly remember they stopped coming in a few days ago. Then I checked to make sure I didn't have any weird settings on my Fresh Loaf account. Couldn't find anything. Even now, I didn't receive a notification from your response.
Sorry...I should have checked that before responding. Rookie mistake 101. I didn't even think about it because your emails has never been filtered in the past.
I'm testing sending the messages through Sendgrid which, if it doesn't break something else, ought to improve deliverability (at least until I get this IP off the blacklists). We'll see.
Used to be so easy, now you need to use a relay service like sendgrid. Actually I recently had to set up sendgrid and had to fiddle with it for at least an hour before emails started moving. They will start charging if your volume hits a certain threshold but its pretty high, however its one of those things that can surprise you down the road (I got a shocking via azure they are sneaky so be careful)
Mail volume is high enough on this site that I'll need to pay a bit when the trial runs out but it is reasonable if it lives up to the community's needs.
I used Mandrill here for a couple of years, but then they went from free to rather expensive.
you guys are talking another language here. Be careful or I'll start slinging around mainframe words and slang! Maybe I'll begin with the 9 types of JCL cards...
Floyd, I notice (and maybe it has been there for a long time) that on the Home-> Add Content page, there is an inconsistency in referencing "file size". At the top of the page you state that files cannot be > than 6 meg. On the right column instructions, it says 2 megs. In either case, that just seems like an extraordinarily large object allowed, as opposed to scaled down max of <500k file size. But, this is your ball game so, of course, it's your call.
Yeah, 6 megs may be too large. The issue is that when people upload directly from their phones the don't have a lot of control over resolution and file size.
Ideally The site would accept whatever people upload and, as kendalm suggested, size them down appropriately server-side. I'm testing a promising bit of code to do that now.
I've removed my ad blocker since the ads no longer seem to be interfering with my ability to view the site. They used to redirect to a page with only the ad, so it was impossible to allow ads before if I wanted to read anything. So half a penny here and there to send to Sendgrid.
Yes, I can see in the server logs your ISP is refusing to accept emails from my new IP because it is on their spam blacklist. I just submitted a request to remove this IP from the blacklist now that it has been reallocated. We'll see how quickly they respond.
I have successfully been receiving the message through Gmail, for what it's worth.
Testing the new email function.
However, I recall this occurring before the update.
Your ISP accepts the messages from my server. I guess they just don't bother to deliver them.
Let me make sure I didn't accidentally block them on my end. I distinctly remember they stopped coming in a few days ago. Then I checked to make sure I didn't have any weird settings on my Fresh Loaf account. Couldn't find anything. Even now, I didn't receive a notification from your response.
Sorry...I should have checked that before responding. Rookie mistake 101. I didn't even think about it because your emails has never been filtered in the past.
I'm testing sending the messages through Sendgrid which, if it doesn't break something else, ought to improve deliverability (at least until I get this IP off the blacklists). We'll see.
But all of those sent by you and Amy prior were lost to me in the ether.
thanks for doing whatever it was that you did.
Mail volume is high enough on this site that I'll need to pay a bit when the trial runs out but it is reasonable if it lives up to the community's needs.
I used Mandrill here for a couple of years, but then they went from free to rather expensive.
you guys are talking another language here. Be careful or I'll start slinging around mainframe words and slang! Maybe I'll begin with the 9 types of JCL cards...
Floyd, I notice (and maybe it has been there for a long time) that on the Home-> Add Content page, there is an inconsistency in referencing "file size". At the top of the page you state that files cannot be > than 6 meg. On the right column instructions, it says 2 megs. In either case, that just seems like an extraordinarily large object allowed, as opposed to scaled down max of <500k file size. But, this is your ball game so, of course, it's your call.
Yeah, 6 megs may be too large. The issue is that when people upload directly from their phones the don't have a lot of control over resolution and file size.
Ideally The site would accept whatever people upload and, as kendalm suggested, size them down appropriately server-side. I'm testing a promising bit of code to do that now.
I've removed my ad blocker since the ads no longer seem to be interfering with my ability to view the site. They used to redirect to a page with only the ad, so it was impossible to allow ads before if I wanted to read anything. So half a penny here and there to send to Sendgrid.