Panettone Montanari...Italian panettone :-)

Profile picture for user inumeridiieri

Panettone Montanari


First dough

Weat flour 300 g

Sugar 75 g

Butter 60 g

Water 150 g

Sourdough  ( water 45% ) 80 g

Yolks 54 g

Must tripling

Second dough

Weat flour 60 g

Yolks 54 g

Sugar 38 g

Honey 10 g

Salt 3 g

Butter 36 g


Raisins 210 g

Candied orange 60 g

Candied citron 30 g

Lasciar prendere la corda al secondo impasto aggiungendo la farina. 
Appena incordato aggiungere i tuorli, lasciar girare qualche minuto quindi aggiungere lo zucchero il miele ed il sale. Quando l'impasto è liscio aggiungere il burro ed infine gli inerti.
1 ora a 32 gradi. 30 minuti sull'asse. Pezzatura e prima pirlatura. 
Dopo 15 minuti nuova pirlatura e via nei pirottini. 5 o 6 ore a 27 gradi. Scarpatura e poi in forno a 160°C sino a raggiungere i 94 al cuore.




Hi forum 


Profile picture for user inumeridiieri

Thank you very much. Not king  :-) only passione :-)


Congratulations Gaetano, this looks great. Have you come across an English version of this recipe? 

Happy holidays. 

As soon as I can write the recipe in english.

Buon Natale


this recipe in English. I've had successes as well as spectacular failures. Want to find out more the nuances in making panettone well. Your is just lovely. Happy holidays!

Profile picture for user nnehme

thanks for making it available!



I ve made this recipe and the result went pretty beatiful, but, the taste was a little bit acid,  this is normal for a panettone made with sourdogh?


I followed your instructions and recipe and baked two panettone. Thanks for a good recipe! 

Do you have an instagram account? Insta is where I post my baking and follow lots of great bakers for inspiration and recipes. I would love to tag you in my post on my panettone. 

Mille grazie Best regards
