Miscellaneous bread update


It's been a busy couple weeks since I've posted. Two notable things have happened: Louis has been misbehaving, and I took a brioche/challah class. 


Dec 4th: I can't remember what this was, but I'm guessing a 50% whole wheat overnight boule.

Dec. 8th: This was the night of my brioche/challah class. It was a lot of fun! Miscellaneous photos are uploaded here. Here's some challah for those not wanting to click over to the imgur gallery:

(My leftovers were turned into baked french toast the next day.)

Dec. 11: Sunflower and Flax 70% Whole Wheat catastrophe

Following the Tartine recipe I ended up with a normal-ish dough covered in tons of slimy flax seeds. It was really weird. The dough also behaved strangely. After a night in the fridge, the dough just wasn't coming together so I tried chucking it in the stand mixer. I'm not sure if you can tell from the photo, but the dough was runny. It didn't smell strange, but my starter (Louis) does seem to smell extra acidic lately. 

Ultimately I tossed that dough and I've been giving Louis extra attention the last few days. 

Dec. 13th

While Louis gets bed rest, I did a batch of brioche. 

Some was turned into rolls that were too big for the muffin tin I baked them in:

And 6 100g pieces were combined into two braids, which were then artlessly stacked into a loaf pan:

Last night was all about rolls, but I've got a meatloaf in the oven right now, so I'm carving into this brioche loaf for sandwiches. Here's the crumb:


It is sturdy enough for all kinds ff things.  Well done indeed.  Don't toss that dough!  Just add white flour and salt to it till is starts to work.  I'm sure it would have made great bread.  The only time you throw away food is when people will die from it:-)

Happy baking