I'm newish to cloches. I've made a variety of Hamelman & TFL non-SD doughs. I get a nice final proof in the bannetons, can see the bubbles and imagine even more from the bake. Cloche top & bottom preheated. Then 10 minutes with the lid on, and the loaves seem to condense, with few-to-no bubbbles. I try to get a good surface tension before basketing and rarely come close to oveproofing (in the fridge if it gets close before the oven's ready). Wondering if the initial steam with the lid is a factor? Any thoughts?
After Sunday's bake (tasted good but was much more compact than the airy loaves in the bannetons), decided that the next bake will be identical boules, one in cloche and one out, on the same baking stone.
Could it be overproofed? Can you post photos?
Possible, but finger-test on this batch and some of the past bakes seemed OK. Guess I need to get them in the oven just before it's fully proofed, if I can figure out when that is. No pics this time (2 loaves left warm as gifts, and I forgot to shoot ours). Thanks!