All loaves shaped up pretty nicely. Ok so this is just another usual bake nothing special, no levain or anything fancy just a bake to make sure not to 'lose it' ... As one wise tfler reminds us, 'if you don't use it you lose it' - most exciting part here is that I usually have one loave considerable malformed which has been convenient at least for choosing a crumb model for disection but today the question becomes which one of you goes to the lab for analysis ?
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You are definitely seeing some consistency there. Well done!
you are so consistent it is scary! we can wait till it gets eaten for the analysis if you like. we can be patient :)
As usual crumb is somwwhat of a surprise and although not disappointed it was kinda sponge-like to a degree. Good flavor as usually expected - the flour I use smell great just in the bag and always delivers great taste - today's buffet included kippered salmin, chives, cream cheese and tomato - what else could make a sunday better ?
Took the opportunity for a 10 minute mark snap (with burn to the arm) - the first 5-10 minutes always blows my mind watching these things transform - dunno whats more enjoyable - scoring or just observing - isnt wheat and yeast insane !
I take the lids off the DOs and its. yeah! great oven spring and ears or :( darn it didn't spring even though I thought it would.
love the crumb, and the 10 minute snap! I reckon scoring is always a scary thing even tho I try to be bold!
and with no runts ti be seen! Had tiobe tasty,
Well done and happy nbking
But disagree with the "use it or lose it" concept. Tell me, if you didn't get on a two wheel bike for 10 years would you still know how to ride one? Once muscle memory is in place and the repetitive nature of the task is comprehended and well executed over a long time, there is virtually no loss of skillset, especially in the short run. Perhaps over a long period of time, years for example, one might get tad rusty but the basics will be there with little adjustment to re-refine them.
I took the entire summer off without so much as touching a bread that wasn't store bought for three months, and basically picked up right where I had left off. Is this so different from anyone else? I don't think so...
And I am sure the same thoughts go through your mind - can I get these scores more even? maybe next time I can burst both sides of the score - stoopid stuff that doesn't even factor into an ok loaf. You look back at early work that got you excited when a breakthrough was made and it seems so simple now. This is kind of where I am at with croissants currently, they are just starting to pop up and behave but the fine details are where the devil resides - sourdough, 'nother story altogether - just trying to find inspiration - ie something that tickle my fancy and just for the record, I am kind of leaning towards your batards !
Reminds me a little of programming. The old axiom was that 90% of the code was to deal with "idiot-proofing" and things that happen 1% of the time. Maybe the percentages are off by quite a bit, but the general notion was quite apparent in attempts to bullet-proof the system.
In my final small group at work, one of the few other programmers addressed a group email to me as Anal instead of Alan. I'll assume that it was a typing error ;-) . We all had a good laugh over that one and she never did quite live it down.