Using Instant Mashed Potato Flakes in recipe

Profile picture for user Clemicus

I am presently in the midst of baking a "Butter Top" loaf which calls for 1/3 cup of potato flakes. I used Instant Mashed Potato Flakes. The recipe said it should be kneaded until you've made a smooth, though somewhat sticky dough.

Well, it was hardly sticky. I kept adding water to achieve a smooth sticky dough.

It didn't fully rise or feel "puffy" after nearly 90 minutes of standing.

I am now in the second rise and it really doesn't look good.

I'm thinking it may be the use of the potato flakes.

What did I do wrong?

I have no problem with using instant potatoes but are usually add them by Weight-  can you send a link to the recipe you are using? Know how frustrating it can be when things are not doing what they’re supposed to be doing!

Thanks for responding. Here's the link to the recipe I was using.

I have to say I finished baking this disaster and while I truly hate throwing food away I couldn't help myself and I tossed it in the rubbish.

While I was kneading the dough it was as dry as a bone. There was one point where I was just splashing water on the heap just so it gained some elasticity. The first rise was barely enough to consider it double in size. The second rise was just barely near the top of the pan.

Another thing I did with this effort was not proof the yeast. Normally, I ALWAYS proof the yeast (even the instant rise variety) but not this time.  

Who knows. I'm totally bummed out over this but I will soldier on and try it again.

Looking forward to your thoughts on the matter.

Be well.

Profile picture for user Truth Serum

Well I think your instinct is correct! Have you made the recipe before? I noticed that one of the people who commented said it needed a sponge andthen they  got a better rise out of the dough. 



But I am like you I hate hate hate throwing away food especially dough that I have put time energy and love into! Hope your other holiday baking works better, 

Hope that this is your only bad loaf!

 Happy baking! 



Thanks for your feedback. Indeed, this was the first time with this recipe. I won't give up and will let you know how I make out with the next loaf.

Enjoy the holidays and happy baking.