How can I post photos in the correct orientation.?


Please help. Every time I’ve tried to post a photo it inserts upside down. I’ve tried rotating 180 degrees and then posting and it makes no difference. It happens if I take photos and post directly from my iPad and if I transfer photo from phone or iPad to my Mac and try from that. It’s starting to drive me nuts, as I can’t work out what I’m doing wrong!

I make the photo upright then take a screen shot using try keys at the same time (cmd/under the caps key/4) and make the size I want.  Then move it from my desk top to post.  These guys are ready to go out into the neighbourhood tonight.  

Happy Halloween!

from the “Moments” or the “My Photo Stream” albums. I had the same issue when I picked “camera roll“ but things are fine with the other two albums. This is on my phone but an iPad should work the same. 

Unfortunately  Mini Oven’s solution didn’t work for me as it made the files too big to upload, and Danni3113’s tweak didn’t do or for me. Leslieruf’s double rotation, however, seems to have done the trick.

No idea why the issue occurs or why the answers either do or don’t work, but thank you everyone. Very pleased to have a solution, even if no understanding.