Fresh milled spelt

Profile picture for user HansB

Honey, oat, spelt SD loaf.


Profile picture for user IceDemeter

Can't wait to see the crumb!

Are these 100% oats and spelt, or did you toss some bread flour in there, too?  I've been a bit concerned about trying high percentage spelt since I can see being flummoxed by how extensible it is and how quickly it ferments.

Nice job, and thanks for tempting...

Ice, if you search the TFL archive with "100% Spelt", you can find very successful bakes by Michael Wilson (of Italian baking fame), dabrownman (of recent resurrection) and txfarmer, TFL's all-time champion in the Crumb Structure category.


It is 32% Spelt with bread flour. The crumb is very moist and tender and has a great flavor. 

I am planning a Honey Spelt Oat Porridge loaf with cranberries and pumpkin seeds for this weekend. Hopefully, mine turns out as nice as yours!