Whole grain spelt bread

Profile picture for user suminandi

I had some spelt on hand and just tried baking a 100% spelt bread. Actually, the starter was rye, so not quite. Not much ovenspring, but more airy than i expected. And the flavor is amazing. 

Does anyone have opinions on hydration when using spelt vs hard wheat? (This loaf was 80%). 


flour into the dough.  (up the rye%)   Don't you just love spelt?  Spelt and rye is my favourite combination and they complement each other so nicely.   Save a few slices (freeze) to feed the starter or crumble into the dough liquids... for extra flavour!   

Very Lovely Loaf!  :)   Excellent!

Thanks, Mini! I appreciate the encouragement, and the advice.

Do you mean to use more rye sour, or to use rye flour in the main dough?

For reference, I used:

300 gr fresh milled spelt240 gr H2O

autolyse spelt+water several hours (I was out of the house)


6 gr salt

10 gr spelt malt flour

50 gr rye sour (60% hydr, and it was refreshed from a refridgerated sour at the time I mixed the autolyse)

30 gr olive oil

knead to medium development, go on some more errands. On return it had doubled (or a bit more than doubled).

Fold a few times, shape, rest about 40 min while oven heats.

Bake 20 min at 450 (covered), 20 at 425 (uncovered)


Spelt is good.  By itself if results as you found in a low-ish and denser loaf than with other flours.  Agree with mini that rye/spelt is a wonderful combination.


I use up to 50% whole spelt flour by weight, with whole rye.  For me, rye can mean whole rye or rye meal, which is known as pumpernickel in the local store where I buy it.  No relation to pumpernickel bread, as a finished product. 


Also I use whole spelt/rye/white wheat in a one third of each mix.  Really good. 


Hydration is 70% for a loaf, and around 55%-60% for rolls or Brötchen. 


Nice oven spring and wonderful earthy aroma. 


semolina_man, you suggest (in addition to combining with rye 50-50), to reduce to 70% hydration). I'll give that a go in my next round of bread with spelt. The 80% dough was not hard to work with, though. I'll experiment. I'm still in the early learning stages with 100% whole grain bread. I'm sold on the aroma of spelt, for sure. That loaf made a great turkey sandwich on Thursday night.