I recently made some yeast water with blueberries and grapes (separately). I made some bread with the yeast water, resulting in some of the best bread I have ever made. Then I got to thinking, is it safe to make yeast water? Is there a chance of botulism? I assume skip the yeast water and stick to sourdough starter if it's not safe, but if it's safe, I'd like to continue experimenting.
Interesting question. The only thing I can add, with my limited experience, is like all food if it smells off, has mould or hasn't been stored correctly then don't use it. Done correctly then there's nothing to be worried about. All food has the potential to give food poisoning not only yeast water.
I have made yeast water and have never had any issues. It is perfectly safe to make yeast water as it's perfectly safe to make any food. Use clean utensils and follow the correct advice. Should anything seem off then don't use it.
That's the best I can offer but following this thread for more advice. Maybe contact Debra Wink on this site who could shed more light on this.
Thank you!