I wrote a simple bread dough calculator web page that you can use on your phone or tablet. It can solve for flour weight, water weight, total weight and hydration with or without a starter/preferment.
I use it almost every time I bake, so I thought I'd share. https://kallanreed.github.io/bread-buddy/index.html
In the picture I have 150g of 100% preferment and want to figure out how much flour and water I need to make a 450g loaf at 76% hydration. Select "Flour and Water" from the drop down, fill in the fields and click solve.
On iOS you can add it to your home screen and it looks just like a normal app.
It looks really clean and works perfectly! Are those custom icons? They're adorable.
I see myself using this occasionally - when I don't have immediate access to my spreadsheet. I've bookmarked it
One thing I would recommend is maybe putting the dropdown up top - I feel that it works better with the general flow of thought (at least for me).
Overall, well done!
The icons are custom - I'm certainly no graphic designer though. I moved the controls to the top, I agree that it helps with the flow. Buttons on the bottom might be better, but I want it to fit in one screen height so I kept them with the drop down.
Hope it's helpful.
I think it's an improvement.
Oh -- what about salt?
Haha... typical of me to forget about the salt.
I hate when I forget the salt, it makes me want to apologize to everyone who worked hard to produce that flour that I just wasted.
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
I'd love to be able to split the flours. Like x% WholeWheat, y% BreadFlour and z% Spelt = TotalFlour.
I also think salt is a must ;)
Very well done.
The problem with salt is that it's recipe specific so then the UI starts getting even more complex. I could compromise and just show 2% of total flour, but that still could be wrong.
Maybe I'll get time to add an advanced section that is hidden by default.
"On iOS you can add it to your home screen and it looks just like a normal app" - and on Android too. Thanks a lot.
I love this tool's ability to figure out hydration with a pre-ferment.
If you go back to playing with it, I would find it useful to have whole wheat or rye
Solving for flour weight with a target hydration given a preferment was exactly why I wrote it. I still want to be able to solve preferment as a percentage of total flour, just need more free time.
What do you mean by having whole wheat or rye?
I've used Bread Buddy several times now. It's really handy. Thanks again! :)
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about programming, as well as some general questions about how to get started as a Software Developer?
It's now 9 October 2018, and I'm still using your app. So handy.
I use it mainly for solving for how much water I need for a given flour and starter amount.
SCIENTIFIC! Thanks, buddy!
03 MAY 2020 -- Still using it, and recommending to a friend or two. At this point, I feel like I should donate some fees.