the Real Bread Campaign, where you could purchase a good loaf of bread, and maybe get a bit of starter, too. Their site has a finding tool to locate the nearest bakery:
It only takes about 5 days to create a starter. And you could always use commercial yeast for the first 5 days if you're desperate. Below is the method I used recently. I really like it because you don't have to throw any of it away.
I'm not close, in London, but if you're there for a little while I could dry some out and post some starter.
That's kind Reminds me to carry some dry whenever possible Just hoping someone nearby might
hv some ready, but thanks again for the offer!!
the Real Bread Campaign, where you could purchase a good loaf of bread, and maybe get a bit of starter, too. Their site has a finding tool to locate the nearest bakery:
They also have an abbreviated list of some bakeries that will sell starter:
Hopefully you can find something close by!
Thanks IceDemeter - there is a bakery that should fit the bill at Kidderminster, Tony's Bakery, great site to know about. Thanks !!
Bought it, used it, cooked it, ate it. Good stuff! No point making your own at this price.
Never thought to look for San Francisco starter on ebay Cheers !
It only takes about 5 days to create a starter. And you could always use commercial yeast for the first 5 days if you're desperate. Below is the method I used recently. I really like it because you don't have to throw any of it away.
I have also used the Jane Mason starter to make naan, and Tartine Basic Country loaf.
Happy bread making, Angus!
Thanks ejm a book I haven't come across will have a look at it today !
You're wellcome! Happy starter creating.