hey everyone . i own a Gastroback 42812 Design Bistro Oven
but i want to buy one good modern gas oven for home , something that's strong and hot enough to make all sorts of breads , cookies and cakes . but i want to know what are the specifications of a good home oven ? i am not looking for a stove , i want to buy integrated gas oven . please guide me .
rofco b20 looks amazing , but my kitchen is small Lol , ( besides i dont think we have that brand in here ) still i will keep that model in mind for later . i am serious about baking breads . if gas oven vent steam out we can put a hot pan of water inside it , doesn't that work ? electronic is the way to go ? hum , but you know my electronic oven wont go above 220 degree c , the results aint that good because its not hot enough ... i have such a thing in mind to buy
these kinds oven are made in my own country , they are both gas and electric oven at the same time . touch keys , smart convection , digital timer , a light inside the oven , but the thing is that , they don't seems to go above 250 Degree C , and i already have 220 to 230 degree C max . i am not sure if it worth the money ??? kendalm , what do you suggest as an expert ? do you think i keep going with what i have for now or buying one of these can be a game changer ? just for 20 degree C ?
i forgot to say , these new ovens not only they are 20 more degree C higher in temperature , i also can use hot water steam inside them and also make bigger baguettes , but i am not sure if all these worth the money .
As Kendalm said, most gas ovens are pretty well vented, so while you can add water, most of the moisture will vent out of the oven pretty quickly. If you want a gas oven, there are some ways to get steam - most common is to bake in a combo cooker or dutch oven - it solves the steam venting in a gas oven, but does limit you in the size and shapes of loaves.
it seems the gas oven is 30 degree hotter than my own electronic oven and also i can make some steam inside it . besides in my country gas is way cheaper than electricity . but still i am not sure if it worth the money . not only that , but in the past i did hear that gas oven is the best for baking . i am just not sure and cant make a decision . even if a gas oven vent the steam out i can always put more hot water inside , i have seen video clips which the baker sprayed inside the gas oven several times .
There is a possibility the gas oven is so well vented, the steam will leave nearly as fast as you add it. There are some other options if you go with a gas oven - here is a review of the steam maker bread baker http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/2223/review-steam-maker-bread-maker
so i guess that could actually to have a gas oven , it might not be a big game changer but it can help . thank you guys for all the information .