I have lots of packets of seeds and grains kicking around so I thought it was time to get using them. As usual the ideal recipe was found in a list of blog entries by our own DMSnyder I keep bookmarked.
I didn't have exactly what was called for in the soaker, actually I lie, I did but fancied making my own blend. So ended up with, sunflower seeds, quinoa, rye flakes and pumpernickel flour, pinhead oats and golden flax. Pretty close to the original but not exact.
I scaled the recipe down to suit just one loaf as I had another multigrain loaf on the go for comparison (Reinharts multigrain bread extrordinaire) but this one won the contest in my opinion.
Rye sour:
113g rye flour
96g water
6g starter
41g flax
41g cracked rye
34g sunflower seeds
34g oats
187g boiling water
10g salt
Final dough:
340g bread flour
150g water
2.5g yeast
7.5g honey
208g rye sour
Tastes delicious, really really good. It is a special loaf that everyone should try.
- Elsasquerino's Blog
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Looks delicious!
Loving that crust and crumb.
Thanks Abe, you should get involved with this one, it's great.
That's amazing that you got such a light and airy crumb with all of those heavy seeds in there. Nice job!
It's remarkable isn't it! It must be the little pep from the instant yeast but I'm so tempted to try it without and use an overnight cold fermentation. Next time I'll cross my fingers and risk it. Thanks for your kind words.
I have never tried this Hamelman's recipe, but the loaf looks so good from outside and inside. I like the porosity of the crumb and the taste must be simply great with the combination of rye sour.
Well done and happy baking!
It's one of the nicest I've baked and was a relatively easy dough to work with too.
When I first made this bread, I thought it was good but not that remarkable. The second time, I left out the commercial yeast and did an overnight cold retardation. It was like a different bread - maybe the best tasting I've ever had.
Try it.
Did you refrigerate the bulk ferment overnight or final proof? Thanks for the comments.
As per Hamelman's instructions.