Hi Peeps, been away for a while....


Hi everyone,

I just thought I'd say hello again as I have not been on here for a few months (!)

I have had a job change and house move during the last 5 months and simply not had the time to bake or post on here.  Anyway I have a couple of days off work and just took one of my starters out of it's stasis in the freezer (I do hope it will come back to life).

I'll be back with a cheeky photo if it works.......haha

Anyway, I hope you are all well




Profile picture for user Lazy Loafer

Hey Grahame, glad to have you back! Hope your starter survived freezing. I've never tried doing that with mine. Refrigerating, or drying, but not freezing. And hope to see pictures of great bread again soon! But no pressure ... :)



In reply to by Lazy Loafer

I am still feeding the starter but I could not resist making a white yeast bread this afternoon......... 

It is nice to be bread making again :) :)

I don't quite know what happened to my photo, I didn't upload it like that :)


The first sourdough I've made in 4 months! Oh how i have missed the taste!

Poor you, having to do without for so long! :) I hope you can find the time to bake regularly now, and keep your taste buds happy.