Here's a small batch of 3 baguette de tradition aux levain using a young starter and a new batch of Moulin d'august T65. Its been so long since I even had a starter and considering I killed off about 3/4 pounds of prized fresh yeast a couple weeks ago figured its time to build a new starter. First bite confirmed the reason I prefer yeasted breads - a considerable tang as well as a slightly tougher crust and crumb. It always amazes me how different especially the crumb feels when baking sourdough - personally I feel that the 'complexities' of the flavor are masked by the sour and tangy flavors - if they are there I cannot discern them, however with a well build yeasted loaf there is no powerful acid to mask the wonderful subtleties of a long fermentation. On one hand even though the crumb is a bit more resilient there something nice about sourdough texture but all in all - here's to yeasted breads (coming soon, as in tomorrow)
sad early demise of your fresh yeast, but it did give a reason for you to do a levain bake and be able to compare the results based on your current skills and oven set-up, and not just on your memory of what it tasted like so many months ago.
These still look incredibly good to me, and I'll just take your word for it on the flavour (I'm most often in the opposite camp, where I usually prefer a tart and zingy flavour --- something for everyone, right!)
Hope you at least enjoyed the experience - and we'll look forward to seeing your happier results from your preferred style!
The SD had to make these taste especially wonderful. Well done all the way around and
Happy baking
flour fed twice a day at 100% hydration it will be so not sour you won't even know it is sourdough.
I would think after a week it should be sweet. Remember to do a levain build right before using and use it young about an hour after doing the build - ala Chad Robertson. Can't get less sour than that.