need bread ideas for dried white peaches


I have some very nice dried white peaches in the pantry, and was wanting to make a really special bread with them.


Ideas for breads and combinations of other ingredients?


I am wondering about something slightly sweet and enriched.  Would like to make something very special with them.


Thanks in advance!

I vote for peach pie. Apple pie made with dried apples used to be a staple, so I'm sure you could adapt that recipe to dried peaches.


SYLVIAH   Hey, I'm for pies too! 

This is the most delicious recipe for using dried fruit...though not a bread recipe but makes the best fried pies ever!  The recipe is at  under apricot and peach fried pies.

There used to be a whole lot more 5 star reviews on this recipe....before changes where made to this recipe site.



thanks y'all! I didn't think of pie, although I have made pies with dried apples.  If I get a second round of these peaches, maybe then I'll trie a pie...




Paddyscake, that recipe sounds great!  I was wanting to soak the peaches in some sort of wine, didn't think of marsala.  I will now have to wait until the lavender is in bloom to get the lemon lavender marmalade as they suggest for the bread.  (I have made peach-lavender jam in past years and the peach lavender combo is very nice).   I'm thinking I'll try it with pecans instead of walnuts, and butter instead of the veg oil. 


Only think I was wondering about was the cinnamon in the dough.  I was taught to never put cinnamon directly into a yeast bread dough, as it produces an "off" taste.  Maybe I'll try tossing it in with the peaches or something... 


That recipe sounds really delicious, and I'm impressed that they actually give a sourdough recipe on that site too!


I was so sleep deprived, I didn't notice it's a quickbread until now.  How cool!  Never mind that about the cinnamon. 


Then I got all excited thinking I could be eating this thing in an hour... but have to allow for soaking, so it's longer...


An interesting recipe to keep in mind for other ingredients too.  Something fast to whip up from the sourdough starter. 

I thought it sounded great. I save and bookmark way too many recipes!! a bit of an obsession. I'm anxious to hear the results, especially since I am always looking for another way to use SD starter.