I've seen some used sheeters come up for sale recently, labeled as double-pass. They have the conveyor on just one side, so it feeds in and comes out vertically. I attached an example image cause that's better than reading my faltering description.
Has anyone used one of these? Do they work for laminated doughs? (i.e. croissant, etc.) I'm curious if they are good for that or if it's just for pizza/flatbread style work.
You may get a response here but over at the www.bbga.org forum sheeter questions are a common discussion.
I may just be totally missing it and it's right in front of me... but where is the BBGA forum? I don't see it linked anywhere in the menus on the bbga.org page?
Going by this:
I would need to be a member there
Yes, paid memberships are the norm there since you would be joining an organization of professional bakers, consultants and manufacturer representatives from around the country. You may sign-up at different levels and "serious home baker" is one of them.
Not to disrespect the Fresh Loaf forum in any way, I will be surprised if you get much of a response to your question here. Sheeters are not something that "Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts" typically have in their kitchens.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, sheeters are a common subject on the bbga forum.
I have a reversible sheeter. Sheeters are pretty basic so I think a double pass would work. What this means is that the dough passes through two sets of rolling pins in each feed. It might be tedious to try and sheet large swaths lf laminated doughs given that you will need to load the whole thing vertically. But the actual operation ought to work just fine.
This is the same type of sheeter we use to own it was made by a company called Moline. It was good for that purpose but I don't think it would be the right machine to make puff pastry or croissants because adjusting the thickness between rollers takes a lot of cranking where it is very easy on a reversible sheeter.
Acme model 8 Rol Sheeter ! Asking 1,400 it's uses and maybe missing some accesories, but works well and is all cleaned.
Daniel 213/434/3987 know anyone? I can't seem to find anyone to sell it to looking on here for prospects.
Would you be interested in it?
60x30x60 inches 550lbs stand up 120 volt rollers clean and straight adjustable levels of thickness from 4" to paper thin dough.
All specs and photos can be emailed to you or anyone else.
I'd appreciate any assistance in finding a buyer to the tune of 10%
I am in Altadena CA name is Daniel
I'm on the other coast - too far for pickup.