Rye Flour Demystified


I definitely want to try the following KA rye bread recipe.  http://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/jewish-rye-bread-recipe

The recipe calls for the use of KA organic pumpernickel flour. I just can't justify the initial cost plus shipping of this small quantity item. 

In looking around, I've found Bob's Red Mill Organic Dark Rye Flour, Bob's Red Mill Organic Pumpernickel Dark Rye Meal, and finally, Ardent Mills Rye Meal Pumpernickel Flour. Which of these do you feel closely resembles the KA organic pumpernickel flour? Is it just about fineness of grind?

 If you can offer another larger source of supply other than the 3# KA flour that you like just as well that would work in this recipe, I'm all ears! Regards


Thank you Hans for the descriptions. I liked the description for "rye meal" being also called “whole grain rye flour,” rye meal contains all of the bran, germ and endosperm of the original rye kernel. Rye meal can be ground fine, medium or coarse. Although I don't know how one would come by these specific grinds should they want to experiment with them. 

I ever spent for sure.  Whole rye meal is just the beginning - there are thousands of combinations and grains to tinker with and the bread is only about twice as good using fresh ground flour i stead of bagged stale stuff you van buy it isn't even close..

Dabrownman, grinding ones own flour is a whole new subject that I have not explored. I have no idea as to the steepness of the learning curve on such an endevour. Although the answer to my question above my be in the grinding process. As in my comment above from the information Hans provided, the KA organic pumpernickel flour may just be a medium grind of rye meal, as to where Bob's Red Mill Organic Pumpernickel Dark Rye Meal may just be the same version in a coarse grind. 

Back to the home grinding, what type of mill do you use? Do you find it hard to obtain the whole grain for your grinding? How do you store your bags of whole grain? It seems in the past, I've read where once the grain is ground, you have to let it age for a period of time before use? It is interesting and surely something I could easily get hooked on!  

Hodgson Mills rye flour is a good pick.  Depending on your point of reference, it is either a coarsely ground flour or a finely ground meal.  Here (KC area), it is the only rye flour packed in 5 pound bags in supermarket baking aisles.  Anything else is either in a bulk bin or the tiny BRM packages.


Actually, I wouldn't worry too much about getting the 'right' flour for a recipe. If you can justify it, buy a small bag of each of the ones you mentioned and try the recipe with them all. See what you like! Pumpernickel flour is one of those things that is open to interpretation. :)