Second try at raisin bread

Profile picture for user macette

i posted this bread but not sure if I did it correctly, so apologies if it's here twice....I had some success with my raisin bread, flavour is lovely my raisins are not very evenly distributed there must be a it took an hour to cook. I was checking the temp every 5 mins in the last 15 mins got to 195 f so I took it out, it makes lovely toast. 


Looks like a complete success to me. Toasted raisin bread... "YUM".

I love cheese on a toasted fruit bread.

... after reading about your trials. It worked out great - or would have, if I hadn't had to stick it in the fridge for 3 days after I put it in the tins - it was somewhat over proofed but I baked it anyway. Tasted OK, but not nearly enough cinnamon (I put in about 50g but it was the 'true' cinnamon which is milder and sweeter than the usual stuff) Ah well, next time...

Yours looks great!

(It did make great toast though!)


it was a YouTube recipe I followed which worked out quite well, I had to decide how much cinnamon to add the recipe I was following didn't have it in, so just went for 1 teaspoon and it was enough for us. Was surprised how much longer it took to cook, just glad it was cooked , my first loaf was raw in the middle...I will make it again. There did seem to be a lot of yeast in the recipe 13g might try a bit less next time...