I simply feel the need to share. Some of you people make an absolutely incredible bakes. Every now and then mines work as well, and end up being above average. Here's one I made yesterday:
A simple wheat bread, made with sourdough.
The recipe: https://breadcentric.com/2017/04/30/wheat-sourdough-bread-chleb-pszenny-na-zakwasie/
I need to thank you all for being here and sharing your passion. It is very motivating, even though sometimes it feels that I'm way way behind you with the skills and will probably never be that good.
looks good to me. I hope it tasted as good as it looks. To me--I have been playing around with sourdough and I don't get consistency at all from one to the next. All pretty much taste good but they sometimes look like pregnant babies popped out the side. Your scoring is great
Neat scoring! Looks like it will just keep on opening like a flower blossom. :)
Thanks for sharing.
Very beautiful scoring! Much better than I usually can do. We all have our own skills. ;-) Thanks for sharing and happy baking!
So artistic and visually appealing. And as Mini wrote, a flower blossom. Congratulations.
And 'pretty' is important when it comes to bread, no? Especially for us on this forum, as we can't smell or taste it (too bad!). Was the inside everything you wanted it to be?
Thanks for all the compliments!
I didn't see the inside of this one, but got a feedback that half of it was give 30 minutes after it was given to a friend, so I'm assuming it was alright ;)
The other one made from the same dough did not come out so pretty, as I was trying to make a twig with leaves and it had unplanned cracks (still learning to make things like that), but the crumb was really nice, maybe very mildly overproofed, or maybe just the crust formed to quickly on the one that stayed with me. It was a tasty, soft wheat loaf with a reasonably thin crust.
beautiful bake, well done