The right temperature of water


Hi guys,

I am taught that the water temp. can be calculated by the formula:

T Base - ( T room + T flour) = T water

But I wonder what if I get a minus number ( which is possible), then it is "ice". How can get the right water temp then? 

Thank you!

you have to keep the temperature range of the water (and possibly the final dough) within a livable range for the yeast to not be killed off nor to go into hibernation. If I find that my calculation calls for water that is too cold, then I mix the flour and water first, kneading dough raises its temperature, then I add the yeast afterwards so the yeast is not shocked by such cold temperatures. If the formula calls for water that is exceeding hot then I won't risk killing off the yeast, I simply gently warm up the flour to a more reasonable temperature.