Question about fermentation


Lets say you have two identical pieces of bread dough


One you ball up, and let rise in something like a dough tray so it ends up expanding outwards like a pizza


The other you put in a narrower container  so it rises up.  


Does this have any real effect on the finished bread? 









The dough which is allowed to expand more will have a more open crumb than the one in the container. 

Another difference would be the height with the dough which has more support having better oven spring. 

So the dough in the container will have a tighter crumb but better oven spring and the other dough would have a more open crumb with less oven spring. 

It might be better to say that both would expand as much as each other with one being more outwards and the other upwards so you could say both have as good an oven spring but with different results. 

First rise that's why I'm asking because you will knock it back, shape and prove the same anyway..