Toaster Oven with Enough Height for Bread Baking


Hi everyone,

I have been baking bread for a few years now.  I started with a bread machine which increased my interest in baking bread from scratch, which is now where I am.  I regularly use a toaster oven with great results for baking bread as I live in a small apartment, however, I have to cut my dough in half as my toaster oven does not have enough height for the dough to rise and bake.  I love breads that are large in height and cutting one slice in half is more than enough for a sandwich.

I would like suggestions on toaster ovens that have the height for a loaf that can rise and bake to a height of up to 6".

I look forward to your suggestions.

Thank you.  Jane

I have very successfully used a Breville compact toaster oven for bread baking. Initially, I put water in the bottom  pan for steam and later switched to using a LeCruset small dutch oven.  For small ovens, these are very sophisticated in capability and control.

There are several sizes. I recommend looking at the specifications for internal dimensions and choosing one that fits your loaf size.

Happy Baking,


I second the Breville Oven.  I have the larger one that can take a 12 inch pizza pan, 9 inch square or 7x 11 pan.  It has a wonderfully stable heating element and water for steam can be put under or on the shelf. I have made several boules and ovals in it and they have turned out great.  I have a double steam oven, and use the mini much more often.  Heats up quickly and is wonderfully convenient.


I second the recommendation of a Breville oven.   I have one size up from the compact and can fit my Lodge combo cooker in it.  This oven is an investment but it really does a beautiful job at all its tasks.