Old Fashioned Oats and Toasted Seeds

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

I love my combo starter! It is a blend of Duluth's Best Bread (Michaellily), JamieOF and mine. The thing doubles in 2 hours and triples in four when I do my final levain build. The boules are full and have almost a balloon quality when I take them out of the fridge to bake.

This week, I think the boules actually hit the lids of the Dutch ovens because they are a bit flat on top. The loaves feel really light so I think the crumb should be pretty good. 

This bread is similar to my Brenda's Bread as it has Oats and Toasted seeds. I decided to toast the Oats too. Hopefully, that will enhance the flavour!


This makes 3-750 g loaves (650 g baked). 

1. Toast 75 g of rolled oats and then soak in 250 g boiling water. When cool, add 50 g kefir and let sit for 30-60 minutes. 

2. Combine seeds (10 g Black Sesame seeds, 25 g pumpkin seeds, 25 g sunflower seeds and 25 g Hemp hearts) and toast in a dry frying pan until seeds start to jump and they start browning. 

3. Autolyse all above with 500 g warm water, 550 g unbleached flour, 202 g multigrain flour, and 200 g fresh milled einkorn flour. Let sit for 2 hours. 

4. Mix in 22 g salt, 266 g 80% hydration levain and 25 g water. Use the pinch and fold method to incorporate everything well. 

5. Do sets of folds every half hour for a total of 4 times and then let rise till double. This took 4 hours from mixing time for the ones that were in the oven with the light on and the door cracked open. The ones that spent the first two hours on the counter took 5 hours. (I delay a batch due to lack of shaping and resting space). 

6. Do a preshape, a 15 minute rest and a final shape. Place in rice floured bannetons and put to bed in the fridge for 12-14 hours. Be sure to place baskets in a plastic bag. 

7. Bake directly out of the fridge in preheated 475 F Dutch ovens for 25 minutes (drop temp to 450 F as soon as you close the door), remove lids and bake another 20-25 minutes at 425 F. (Thank you Lazy Loafer for those instructions. The loaves bake perfectly!).

I also put rounds of parchment paper in the bottom of the pots to prevent sticking. It also keeps my pots nice and clean. 

Like I said, I was really pleased with the oven spring on these! They should be delicious. I am curious to see how the einkorn taste since I have only ever used it in very small quantities before. I ordered 5 kg of berries from Daybreak Mills since getting tiny quantities from Toronto when I daughter visited just didn't cut it. Either way, that stuff is not cheap!

ETA: Oat and seed types as well as quantities. I was posting in a hurry and noticed hours later that I had no quantities for the Oats and the seeds as well as not listing which seeds I used. Not very helpful if you wanted to make this up! ;-)

hit the top of the lids but maybe lift them off.  Something about the two of them that make the rise majestic.

These lookerreally great Danni.  Can't wait to see the inside.  Well done and happy baking 

Wow! Happy with this! Can you see where the top of the loaf is flat from hitting the lid?

Another beautiful bake!  Crumb looks perfect.  Those seeds must really add some nice added crunch.

Happy Baking!


and I like the oven spring with flat tops. It looks like your starter is really explosive one and the crumb is very nicely opened with pretty much even porosity. I will try your recipe for the seeds and oats and also the rest part if I will get some enikorn flour. Definitely a great bake.

Can't wait to see more of your loaves here on TFL.

Happy baking Danni!


Profile picture for user IceDemeter

Wow, Danni - those look just incredibly delicious!

That crumb is absolutely perfect --- and it just boggles me that you manage to get so many of them done at once and STILL get them coming out like that.

Hope you're having a great week!

Hi Danni, these look absolutely delicious!  I wonder what kind of effect soaking oats in kefir produces.  That certainly adds yet another yeast culture to the mix, so could it be the reason the loaves rose so much to hit the lid?

You also mentioned that you use a combo starter. What's in it?  My starter was grown from the one I purchased from Breadtopia, and while is produces nice loaves, when I take it from the fridge, it takes at least 6-8 hrs to really bubble and significantly increase in size. Is yours much more "alive", or do you not refrigerate it?

adds more yeast but it does have beneficial bacteria although the heat from baking would kill it. I just like the tenderness that yogurt or kefir seems to add to the crust and crumb. I don't have any scientific data to back this up but my crusts seem to be much thinner when I started adding the fermented dairy. I started adding it just to use up some that I had in the fridge and I really liked the results so now I add some to each bake whether it is while soaking some add-ins or at the autolyse stage. 

My combo starter is just a equal portion mix of three starters that I made or that were given to me. JamieOF starter is incredibly vigorous, MichaelLily's starter adds a balloon quality to the dough (you have to feel it to believe it!) during the proofing stage, and mine add a local flavour. So I seem to be getting the best attributes of each by combining them. I was initially concerned because I had read of someone killing their starter by doing this but mine seems pretty happy. I have kept the original cultures in my fridge just in case but so far, so good!

is doing what we do here.  Take a "good" idea, and start applying our own touches and changes to it.  As with your triple based starter.  Everything then becomes a riff on something else.  And we usually have a new trick to store in our rucksacks (to go along with the rare clunker to forget about the next time).  Super.
