Scale help!...

Profile picture for user SusanMcKennaGrant

My scale just died. Anyone out there have a scale they can recommend? I have gone through so many. I have seen new solar ones on the market and wonder if anyone has tried them?    I would love to find something at a reasonable price that is accurate to the gram and up to 5 kg.

Thank  you..

like you I've plowed through a lot of scales.

The My Weigh KD8000 is very reasonably priced and seems to have a solid reputation with bakers here.  Its in the $40 range.

 Since I've gone through a salter, a Taylor, and 2 0XO's, I'm going to buy a portable size commercial scale.  I want durability!

I'm leaning toward the Ohaus Valor 1000 that was recommended here.  It runs about $150.   

I figure what I have spent on four scales, each of which  only lasted 2-3 yrs, I could've purchased a good quality commercial scale. 

Our Salter Aquatronic Glass has served us well since it signed on five years ago.  I've always assumed Escali are good (the pro models, >$50) since that's what Chad Robertson is pictured using in T1. 



Is what I've been using for 3 years now. It runs on 3 x AA's which I need to change every 2-3 months. I use it for a few hours at a time 5 days a week.

My only issue is that they're a bit light, but for 1-8000g it seems to work.

I also have a set of "legal for trade scales" - a UK term - these are specially calibrated, etc. They only go to 3Kg, but gram for gram the KD-8000's match up to 3Kg, so I've no issues regarding accuracy of them.
