My scale just died. Anyone out there have a scale they can recommend? I have gone through so many. I have seen new solar ones on the market and wonder if anyone has tried them? I would love to find something at a reasonable price that is accurate to the gram and up to 5 kg.
Thank you..
like you I've plowed through a lot of scales.
The My Weigh KD8000 is very reasonably priced and seems to have a solid reputation with bakers here. Its in the $40 range.
Since I've gone through a salter, a Taylor, and 2 0XO's, I'm going to buy a portable size commercial scale. I want durability!
I'm leaning toward the Ohaus Valor 1000 that was recommended here. It runs about $150.
I figure what I have spent on four scales, each of which only lasted 2-3 yrs, I could've purchased a good quality commercial scale.
Thanks so much! I will check it out and also love to hear how you like it if you do decide to buy it...
Our Salter Aquatronic Glass has served us well since it signed on five years ago. I've always assumed Escali are good (the pro models, >$50) since that's what Chad Robertson is pictured using in T1.
Great! Thanks so much Tom.
Is what I've been using for 3 years now. It runs on 3 x AA's which I need to change every 2-3 months. I use it for a few hours at a time 5 days a week.
My only issue is that they're a bit light, but for 1-8000g it seems to work.
I also have a set of "legal for trade scales" - a UK term - these are specially calibrated, etc. They only go to 3Kg, but gram for gram the KD-8000's match up to 3Kg, so I've no issues regarding accuracy of them.
Thanks so much for your help!