Last week I spent a few minutes a day cultivating my starter. Yesterday I mixed the dough and left on the fridge overnight fermenting. (took out 2 hours before baking)
50% All Purpose Wheat Flour
45% Whole Grain Wheat Flour
5% Rye Flour
70% Hydration
As we can see the alveoli inst that great. Pretty shitty actually. Maybe the starter inst strong enough and I shouldn't be so cheeky to leave overnight when I'm just starting on the baking road.
Anyway, it taste good. =D
I'm going to work on the starter this week and in 7 days I hope to bring here a improved crumb.
If I'm honest, my 20th loaf isn't looking that good. Slightly more open crumb, but I didn't get your rise. I have no excuse, no rye or wheat here. All white flour. You're already ahead. Keep at it.
Thank you.
Will definitely keep on trying.
it's more to do with technique than anything else. You can have high hydration bread with a close crumb, or a low hydration with an open crumb, or anything in-between.
But tasting good is a good start!
Have a look at the stuff at for big bubble techniques.
Thank you for the suggestion. Always great to have more sources to study.
only gets better from here. Well done and happy baking
and for staying in the game. Baking is so hard. All science and a ton of creatively to boot. That you baked a loaf that tastes good is really a major step.
Ive been baking for going on 18 yrs and some days I swear only the garbage can gets fed.