Lately, I have come across a few wonderfully alluring videos about baking by Swedish bakers. There is something really appealing in the spare Scandinavian aesthetic of simple living, not overly complex recipes and fresh ingredients that really resonates.
I suspect a trip can not be too far off...
are poisonous. It might take 200 seeds to kill my daughter but Lucy is dead with one apple core.
Happy baking the non cyanide way.
They haven't told the dog at our local orchard that, he eats several apples every day late summer and fall. He is a fair sized Lab so a little bigger than a Dachshund.
doesn't get the core of the apple or lick the chocolate ice cream bowl:-)
We also have to remember Swedish are tougher than your average bear they eat Surströmming.
Funny video.
Point taken.
Great video as well.. I think I'll try to make this on the weekend! Thank you for posting!