Cafone Bread

Profile picture for user inumeridiieri

Pane cafone, a typical Napoletan bread.

White flour 1000 g

Water 700 g

Salt 25 g

Old dough ( pate fermentee ) 200 g

Yeast 4 g

It's the same dough used for baguette

Good flavor...but young dough, next time final proof more longer-


How do you decide if the pate fermentee should be old or not so old. Was going to say "young" but pate fermentee means "old" dough.

Lovely bake as always!

- Abe.

It is not easy to understand fault. Young dough it's little underpoof ( in italy we say infornato giovane ) it'z a slang Bakers. Pate fermentee: if you use after one day or two it's young ( strong power leavening ) after 3/5 days brings flavors but less leavening power.



Sadly, Gaetano is not around these parts anymore. At least I have not seen him. 

My question is, is it true that pate fermented can add leviening? I would think all of the bacteria that produce leviening would be killed during the bake. Thanks for reading.

Edit to add.

After reading,I think I am confusing pate fermented, with aultus. I see said the blind man.


Will Falzon.