Hi all -
I haven't posted lately though I still visit everyday to keep up on what's going on. I just had to share a recipe I made for a family get-together yesterday that was a huge hit. It is the King Arthur recipe for Gruyere Bread. It is essential a yeast bread where the starter is made the night before and the dough the next day. It couldn't have been easier and it is so tasty and is beautiful when it comes out of the oven. I have practiacally none left. Here's the link to the recipe:
When my bread came out of the oven it looked almost exactly like the photo with the recipe - an unusual occurance for me =). Paired with a grilled steak and tossed salad - it was a very satisying meal. Homemade Mexican Vanilla Ice cream and warm chocolate expresso sauce on top - I'll be working this meal off my waistline for a week but it was worth it. The dough, by the way, is one of the best and easiest I've ever worked with. If you're looking for a change from the traditional garlic bread that is served with steaks - try this one - it's a keeper!
Hope everyone is having a great long week-end - we all deserve it!
The ice cream and chocolate sauce were the desert...not put on top of the bread - =). (That's what I get for not editing before posting...)
Your dinner sounded wonderful and I've made a copy of this bread recipe..LOVE cheese!! The Mexican vanilla ice cream with chocolate expresso sauce would taste great on anything, I'm sure!!
Sounds like a wonderful meal you made. I've made the gruyere cheese bread a couple of times and it's really flavorful and delicious and, as you said, fairly easy to make. It also freezes well.
Howard - St. Augustine, FL
So its been a little rainy here in the Black Hills of South Dakota so I spent the day making bread. Did a batch of Mark's rustic white from the Back Home bakery and just had to try TrishinOmaha suggestion for the cheese bread. Both turned out just great and the taste was wonderful. Just had to share some pics.
Spearfish SD
I can,t seem to get the photos to download. Sorry about that
BTW, we LOVE the Black Hills of South Dakota - we try to get up there every couple of years. I heard y'all had snow over the week-end. Yikes! Glad you liked the bread KA takes the credit for the recipe -