Rye-Durum-Roasted Potato SD English Muffins

Profile picture for user Isand66

 I love making and eating English Muffins.  They are so versatile and freeze well.  I usually keep 4-5 out and freeze the rest and toast them as needed.

This is similar to the last batch I made, but this time I used Rye instead of Spelt and I added some roasted potatoes.

I was very happy with the final result.  They were a little wet and I had to use a lot of bench flour, so next time cutting back on the water slightly wouldn't hurt.

The crumb was perfect for English Muffins and they toast up real nice with a smear of cream cheese :).


You can download the BreadStorm formula here:


Mix flour, starter, water, onions and yogurt in your mixing bowl and mix for 1-2 minutes to combine.

Cover the bowl and let it sit out at room temperature overnight or for at least 9-10 hours.

The next morning add the rest of the ingredients and mix for a minute.  Knead the dough either with your mixer or by hand for around 4 minutes, adding additional flour if necessary.  Next roll out the dough to about 3/4" thickness on your work surface.  You will have to put some bench flour on the work surface to prevent the dough from sticking.  Using  4" biscuit cutter or can, cut the muffins out and place on a pan lined with parchment paper dusted with corn meal or semolina flour.  You should end up with 10-12 muffins.  If necessary you can combine the scraps and roll out again but you may need to let it rest before rolling.

Cover the muffins with a clean misted or floured towel and let rest for 1 hour at room temperature.

Heat your griddle or heavy skillet to medium or around 350 degrees  and when ready to cook spray some cooking spray on the cooking surface before placing the English Muffins in the pan.

Cover the pan to create some steam and let cook for around 5 minutes or until the bottoms are nice and brown.  Flip and cook another 5 minutes and remove to a baking rack to cool.


Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

They look wonderful! What a treat to have those readil available in your freezer!

Thanks Danni,

If you have not tried making English Muffins I urge you to give it a try.  They are easy and fun to make and taste great.

Happy Baking!


Yet! And it might be a while. Friends have convinced me to start selling them a loaf or two. So this weekend is it! I am not about to get rich on this scheme since I am selling it at just above cost. The idea is to make enough to cover the expenses for the bread that I make for them and for the loaves that I donate to the soup kitchen. Then it remains a hobby and not a business. So the dough for 12 loaves is fermenting now; 4 for the soup kitchen (1 is a request), 1 for us and 7 to sell. Wish me luck as I am using the new Dutch ovens I score in Target last weekend. First time trying to bake 6 loaves at once! 

out perfect inside and out and have to taste great.  Very well done indeed.  Perfect for the cold weather!

I remember trudging through knee-high snow to get to the subway from office after a blizzard in 1995 - not fun!  It was past midnight, the City looked dead and there was no car service!

Your muffin formula sounds delicious, Ian.  The dried onions are doing wonders to the flavors, I'm sure.  I've got to give it a try when I start baking again, hopefully soon...

Happy Baking



Thanks Yippee.  I hope you get a chance to try these when you start up again.  I look forward to seeing some baked goodies from your kitchen soon :).

I've had enough of the snow already!  Not looking forward to digging out....again :).


who made a particular bread.  These English muffins have Ian written all over them.  

Its safe to say I've never had anything like these and that they sound intriguing.  Layers of flavor, I'm sure!


A few too many ingredients for my more minimalist style, but these look fantastic.  Growing up there was hardly ever a week that went by without a package of Thomas' English Muffins in the house.  Still haven't tried my hand at them yet, but seeing these surely makes me want to give it a try.  Bravo - once more!


Thanks Alan.  You should really give it a try.  Just remove all the extras and you'll be just fine.

