Bakeries France and Switzerland

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

I will be traveling from Paris through burgundy and into Switzerland in a couple of months.

If anybody has suggestions of bakers they love or bread that must be tried, I would appreciate any information.

I have a few scheduled as part of the trip, but there are days yet to fill.  Thank you.

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

is the only thing that comes to mind. I believe it is in Paris. 

but a good "Gipfeli" or the Swiss version of croissant are my favourite! but there are so many very delicious breads, rolls, cakes, pastries and chocolates I don't know where you would start! 

enjoy your journey


Can't really give you a bakery recommendation in switzerland but if you want an incredible treat try 'luxemburgerli' macaroons. These little macaroons are unlike anything you've ever eaten and practically dissolve in your mouth - they are exquisite !

If you are passing through Burgundy on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, you can try a very special bread that comes from a biodynamic farm in the region called La Ferme de Saint Laurent. It consists of a meat and milk operation (so you can buy cheese to go with your bread), a large market-garden (fruits and veggies to supplement your bread), and a baker who uses grains grown on the farm, milled freshly in a stone mill about 10 steps away from the oven. While it's great to go into "n'importe quelle boulangerie" in any French city and sink your teeth into une baguette de tradition ("une tradition" -- I would recommend avoiding the normal "baguette"--lots of additives), it's also important to go off the beaten path and taste a product that is absolutely unique to a place, especially when it comes to bread in France.

You can find this bread on Thursdays at the farm (located in Château, a stone's throw from Cluny) from 2 PM - 7 PM; on Fridays at the market in Charnay-lès-Mâcon from 1 PM - 6 PM; and on Saturdays at the market in Cluny from 7 AM - 1 PM. Cluny is a charming little village with an abbey from the Middle Ages that is absolutely gorgeous. And in the summer months, there are a lot of horse races and jumping circuits which are always fun to watch, if you're into that sort of thing.

Thank you so much! This is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. I appreciate you taking the time giving me such detailed good information!

Profile picture for user Mr. Waffles

My friend, Rémi, has maintained this blog for a number of years:

Let it be your guide of bakeries to visit in Paris and, to a lesser extent, France. The things you'll see on his site will blow your mind. 

It used to be that Du Pain et des Idées set the standard for bakeries in Paris, but I haven't lived there for about 4 years now. Certainly worth checking out, but refer to the above for more recent observations on what's cutting edge.