Hi, I've been experimenting with Hugh's recipe and seem to have finally cracked it. I found it a very dry dough compared with other sourdough loaves I've made and my latest attempt had an extra 50ml approx of water to the published recipe, available on the guardian's website. That is by the by really, I know different flours can vary dramatically and I'm quickly learning that experience and practise is the key to good bread. With that in mind, can any of you old hands shed any light on what went wrong with my slash? I'm thinking perhaps it should have been longer, don't get me wrong I'm pleased with this loaf! However the ear is huge and has burnt, almost looks comical. I baked in an old casserole dish with a lid which helps a lot with oven spring. Thanks for reading.
Many, if not all, are going to be asking you how you did it. That is called an ear and is very sought after. It is very pronounced though but nothing went wrong per se unless you don't want an ear.
A very lovely loaf indeed!
P.s. I jumped the gun and see you're very aware of this kind of slashing. I believe slashing straight down will cause it to open but not an ear. Slashing at an angle, slightly under, will cause an ear. Perhaps you went a little overboard. It's easier to get an ear with a dryer dough and therefore easier to get it over pronounced.
I'm finding the slashing difficult to master, but anything worthwhile is I suppose. Who cares as long as the bread is tasty and I've enjoyed every loaf I've made, including some major flops! Never judge a book by it's cover.
Looks perfect to me. Wish I had your problem with scoring. Mine tends to close up with higher hydration doughs. And if they open they just spread. I want ears :)
I'm going to look up that recipe. Thanks!
Thanks for your comments, kind of you. One other thing I would suggest if following this recipe is to use a percentage of plain or even 00 flour, this attempt had 200g of 00 flour in the final dough. I also let the finished dough autolyse with the preferment for half an hour before adding the salt and kneading; no idea if it made any difference but this is the best looking loaf so far so I'll do it again.
Thanks for the advice. So it works well with some strong and some plain. Together I think they'll be like AP flour. Noted! I always try and get an autolyse in. Handles so well with an autolyse.
a few cm lower on the loaf and see what it does.
Preferment bubbling as I type, so I'll try that, thanks.
Wouldn't seem to upload the photo??
Nowt wrong with this loaf. Perfect crumb and ear comes out well in the cross section. What's the taste like?
the slices look lovely and I know exactly where I would bite first.... right into that shark fin. Great looking bread!
It is addictive, this sourdough business.
Even if I am blowing my own trumpet. The next loaf is swelling nicely doing its thing, I'll try the slash lower as mini suggested. Pics later.
I tried Mini, the dish I bake this in got in the way of my action a bit. I almost knew I hadn't got it deep enough to stop it finding its own weak spots.
Smells awesome as it crackles on the rack though.
Hi! Is this recipe will be ok for a bread makers? I got Russell Hobbs (these one) a few month ago and i'm still getting used to baking my own bread :)